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金属结合剂金刚石工具胎体耐磨性随烧结温度变化的研究 尹育航,陶洪亮,马邵伟,彭凯,龚伟景 (广东奔朗新材料股份有限公司,广东 佛山 528313) 摘要:本文重点研究了一种铁基金属结合剂金刚石工具胎体耐磨性随烧结温度升高的变化规律。通过对胎体耐磨性、硬度、抗弯强度、抗冲击强度等一系列物理性能指标的测定,以及利用该胎体制成的锯片做对比试切试验,得出以下结论:1.铁基结合剂胎体耐磨性随温度的升高呈现3个阶段的规律变化:第一阶段,随温度升高耐磨性升高;第二阶段,耐磨性下降;第三阶段,耐磨性再次上升。2.测定出了耐磨性最佳时烧结温度范围。将该项研究成果应用于生产中可以大幅度地降低金属结合剂金刚石工具的单位产出能耗,符合国家节能减排的经济增长方式。 关键词:金刚石工具,耐磨性,温度 Study on the Abrasion Resistance of Metal Bonded Diamond Tools Body with the Changes of Sintering Temperature YIN Yuhang,TAO Hongliang,MA Shaowei,PENG Kai,GONG Weijing (Monte-Bianco Diamond Applications CO.,LTD.,Foshan 528313,Guangdong,China) Abstract:The paper studies the abrasion resistance of the body of an iron based diamond tool with the increase of sintering temperature. Based on the measurement of a series of physical performances of the iron based diamond tool body such as abrasion resistance, hardness, bending strength, and impact strength, together with the cutting tests on the saw blade made by such body for comparison, it comes to the following conclusions: 1, Abrasion resistance of the body of an iron based diamond tool goes through three stages in accordance with the increase of temperature: stage I, the abrasion resistance increases with the increase of temperature; stage II, the abrasion resistance decreases; stage III, the abrasion resistance increases again; 2, The sintering temperature range is measured when the abrasion resistance of the body becomes the strongest. Application of the research findings in production can help reduce, to a large extent, the unit output energy consumption of metal bonded diamond tools in line with the countrys energy-conservation and emission-reduction economic growth strategy. Key words:diamond tools, abrasion resistance, temperature 1.绪论 “节能减排、低碳环保”是我国建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的必然选择,是推进经济结构调整,转变增长方式的必由之路,是维护中华民族长远利益的必然要求[1]。因此,从工业、农业到日常生活,都在进行节能减排,金刚石工具制造行业也不例外。铁在地壳中的含量居第四位,在金属中仅次于铝,远远大于常用于制造金刚石工具金属胎体的铜、钴、镍等元素。利用铁基结合剂代替铜基、钴基、镍基等结合剂成为资源节约的必然趋势。铁元素的熔点高于铜、钴、镍,铁基胎体高温烧结虽然能够达到一定的耐磨性,但是对金刚石性能的损


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