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目录 摘要····························· Abstract··························· 绪论····························· 课题的研究背景和意义 1课题研究背景 2研究目的和意义 课题研究难点 一 行政成本概况 行政成本我国行政成本支出的现状行政成本居高不下的成因政府的自利性与公共服务性的矛盾政府规模与能力大与小的矛盾强化行政成本意识严格执行财政预算加大对行政成本的监督力度全面开展财政支出效绩考评工作,建立绩效预算评价体系,促进财政支出加强廉政法制建设完善监督制约机制提高政府工作效率 五 国外政府怎样降低行政成本案例分析 结束语 参考文献 降低我国政府行政成本的方法研究【论文关键词】Plenary session of the sixteen Central Committee on the strengthening of the partys ruling ability construction is further the decision to reduce administrative costs as the reform and improve the party s style of leadership significant move, point out should around to improve administrative efficiency, reduce administrative cost, integration of administrative resources, strengthen the administrative system reform of the overall study, continue to carry out administration system reform of central place so much emphasis on reducing administrative cost, is the ruling party in the new economic and social conditions, the traditional idea of inheritance and development, but also in response to environmental changes, consider the situation, strengthen oneself construction is the important measure to reduce the administrative cost has become Chinas administrative reform one of the objectives pursued, embody a concentrated reflection of democracy the value of administrative management, public spirit and the governments responsibility to the people and society therefore, a comprehensive and systematic study of the administration cost of our country government, government organization of our country reform of scientific development and administration, legal system, modernization has important theoretical and practical significance [ Key words ] administrative costs, three public consumptions, reform, government 绪论 课题的研究背景和意义 课题研究背景 自20世纪80年代以来,世界各国掀起了以降低行政成本,提高行政效率为目的的行政改革热潮,西方政府们纷纷提出政府组织向企业组织学习,主张构建“经济人政府。中共


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