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非平衡等离子体水处理反应器的优化设计及性能评价 张延宗 郑经堂 曲险峰 陈红刚 中国石油大学(华东)重质油加工国家重点实验室 山东东营 257061 摘要:为进一步改善非平衡等离子体水处理反应器的性能,提高有机污染物的降解效率,在单因素实验的基础上,对反应器的整体结构进行了优化设计,并对优化后反应器的性能进行了定性评价。正交实验结果表明:影响效的主次因素为、、 关键词:反应器,优化设计,性能评价 中国分类号:X701 文献标识码:A 文章编号: Optimization design and performance evaluation of the non-thermal plasmas reactor for wastewater treatment ZHANG yan-zong, CHEN hong-gang, ZHENG jingtang (State key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum, DongYing 257061) Abstract: In order to improve performance of the non-thermal plasmas reactor and enhance degradation rate of organic contaminants, the monolithic construction of reactor was optimized on the basis of single factor experiments and a qualitative evaluation. The results of the orthogonal experiment show that primary and secondary factors influencing degradation rate are the gaseous height, the liquid height and the gas flows. The best removal results for methyl orange is obtained when the needles height is 5mm, electrode gap is 13mm and the gas flow is 96ml/min. Discharge efficiency can be improved when positive pulse was applied to the high voltage electrode and ground electrode was made of stainless steel net with 40 mesh. The utilization factor of ozone can be increased while the countercheck nets of stainless steel were placed in the pretreatment aqueous solution. The degrading rate is reduced with the augmentation of initial solution concentration. The repeated test indicates that experiment error is less than 3.5%. Keywords: Reactor; Optimization design; performance evaluation 引言 液相高压脉冲放电,高压针电极和地电极都置于液相,通过没入水中的中空针电极鼓入氧气(空气),利用放电过程中产生的·OH、H202、O·、H02·、O3[1],但这种情况与相同电极结构不通氧气相比产生过氧化氢的数量被抑制[2]。气相高压脉冲放电,通常高压电极悬浮于气相,地电极放置在容器下部或浸在液相[3-5],在富氧干燥气氛中,氧气和高能自由电子反应直接产生臭氧,产生的臭氧持续不断的溶解在水中,与水中的有机污染物直接反应。为了利用液相放电产生的化学活性粒子和气相放电产生的臭氧,高压电极放置在液相,地极悬于气相,提高了有机污染物的降解效率[6-9]。但这种反应器只利用了水中的溶解臭氧,大部分气态臭氧作为废气排入大气。为了提高放电过程中产生的活性粒子的产率,有效利用能量,本课题组设计了一种新型非平衡等离子体水处理反应器,以甲基橙为模拟污染物,对影响降解效果的各种参数进行了考察,并进行了单因素优化,实验结果显示了较高的降解效率。


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