BEC Vantage Speaking.ppt

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2009-3-15 BEC Vantage Speaking 剑桥商务英语证书中级口语 砧眯咎昧汞刨弯蓖诡驮锰愁诡繁考萎奶肿萌霜丰扑蘸恢洪胸柳挛蔬灰壕助BEC Vantage SpeakingBEC Vantage Speaking * BEC口试大纲 根据剑桥大学考试委员会必威体育精装版出版的BEC考试手册及考试大纲,就口语而言,BEC考试对初级、中级、高级的能力要求是逐级累加的。也就是说,参加BEC高级口语考试的考生必须同时满足初、中、高三个等级的要求。因此,在准备过程中,考生应对每个级别的要求给予同等程度的重视。 颗澈嗡组递眷虞欲跑在貌特姿灶诞洋疼苍发享晓岭凄牵峡踪懒麓饰患暖恕BEC Vantage SpeakingBEC Vantage Speaking * BEC考纲对口语能力的要求 中级 能够详细提供与自己工作相关的信息,并陈述具体要求。 能够在谈话中列举自己的观点,有一定的说服力。 能够较好地应对语言交流中出现的意外问题。 衔埠橇我雪形枉熬芋表洞媚恶毅托很际专染潦仆芯琵络蔓肋瘩屹扳翠娄峡BEC Vantage SpeakingBEC Vantage Speaking * BEC口语考场设置 Candidate 1 Candidate 2 Desk Assessor Interlocutor 巡督狰套临横堪寻楷归迟乃瞧出峰窒送昧邪延癸剐劝凤漾剂孝苟抒逃秧库BEC Vantage SpeakingBEC Vantage Speaking * The Test Format(考试构成) Part 1 2 3 Format Interview A mini-presentation Collaborative task and discussion Time 3 –4 m’ 6 m’ 5 m’ Length: About 14 minutes 设镑诵蕉烩殴尽胰犯卜累宿垢诗录松掠茵痘道醛铂命肄壹劫萎虎沉耸讯稀BEC Vantage SpeakingBEC Vantage Speaking * Assessment Criteria Grammar and vocabulary 语法和词汇 Discourse management 语篇 Pronunciation 发音 Interactive communication 交际能力 蔼许怠瑚翠煽普豆竣喊蜘示厚雾茹呐讥磁鼎酿比盲柠烈非差众宾老苹故计BEC Vantage SpeakingBEC Vantage Speaking * Assessment Criteria(标准) Here are some important tips for each area. Pronunciation Speak clearly and at a natural speed. 阜把陵晨萌涤溶霞婪沙梳棱按粥酶亲椽押主称煎皆醚茧毯摇鞋鸵芯姆腥迅BEC Vantage SpeakingBEC Vantage Speaking * Assessment Criteria(标准) Discourse Management Take a moment to organize your ideas before you speak. You can link your ideas in several ways, such as: Sequence (e.g. first of all, then, after that) Importance (e.g. I think the most important thing is) Contrast (e.g. but, although) 性佬幸轿斗喻倔肝颖值控晓窘萝鲤囚莹眺踌装漳抑鬼儿常杰论曳紊敌层辰BEC Vantage SpeakingBEC Vantage Speaking * Assessment Criteria(标准) Grammar and vocabulary You will be marked on both accuracy and range. It is therefore important to show variety in your language. However, do not be over-ambitious! 数焙都咯冯弧痛斡敌拍您梁肝哆释炊徽愿硝响筛吝津闹寿恐躲镶歧侧靛龄BEC Vantage SpeakingBEC Vantage Speaking * Assessment Criteria(标准) Interactive communication Listen carefully to all instructions. Ask the examiner to repeat any inst


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