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* 天津武清支行 Bank of Communications, Tianjin Wuqing Sub-branch Sep 22th ,2008 1986-1987,Bocom, the first joint-stock commercial bank in China, started its operation officially. 1986年交通银行作为金融改革的试点,经国务院批准重新组建,1987年重新组建后的交通银行正式对外营业,成为中国第一家全国性的国有股份制商业银行。 In 1908,Bank of Communications (BOCOM) was established. It was one of the four largest banks and the earliest banknote issuers in China. 交通银行始建于1908年,是中国早期四大银行之一,也是中国早期的发钞行之一。 In 1949,the Bank’s domestic business was incorporated excluded Hong Kong Branch. 1949年以后,除香港分行仍继续营业外,交通银行国内业务分别并入中国人民银行和中国人民建设银行。 2005年6月23日,交通银行在香港成功上市,成为首家在境外上市的中国内地商业银行。 2007年5月15日,交通银行在上海证券交易所挂牌上市。 引进了汇丰银行、社保基金、中央汇金公司等境内外战略投资者。 On June 23, 2005, BOCOM was listed in Hong Kong, the first China based commercial bank of its kind to get listed outside of the Chinese mainland. On May 15, 2007, BOCOM was listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange. mainland and overseas strategic investors like HSBC, the national Social Security Fund and China SAFE Investment Ltd. 交通银行按照市场要求,建立新型银企关系,率先在我国金融领域引入竞争机制。交通银行引进了国外商业银行先进的管理机制和经验,建立、完善和创新资产负债管理制度、信贷资产质量监控制度、财务指标分析体系制度等,有效地贯彻了现代商业银行全面自律、稳健经营、盈利水平在中国银行业中名列前茅。 Taking the lead in drawing in the competition mechanism into the Chinese banking sector Adopting advanced foreign management and best practice of commercial banks Setting up and improving its assets and liabilities management system Credit control system and financial index analyzing system Carrying out effectively the operational principle of modern commercial banks to be highly self-disciplined, prudent and profit-conscious Enjoyed a sustained and healthy development in its all-round business an net-work expansion. 战略目标:国际公众银行、创新型银行、综合性银行、经营集约化银行、管理先进型银行。 全国148个城市设立营业网点2612个 全行员工6.12万人 Development strategy:an international, innovative, integrated, operation-intensive, highly regulated and management-advanced first-class financial holding conglomerate. 2612 outlets in 148 major cities in mainland China 61,200 employees Global BOCOM Aim


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