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美国社会问题 ---Americans are primarily a nation of immigrants ---1. some as refugees from religious and political persecution (逃避宗教和政治迫害的难民) ---2. some as adventurers from the Old World seeking a better life(从旧大陆来寻求好生活的冒险家) ---3. some as captives brought to American against their own will to be sold into slavery (有一些则是被抓获后违背他们的意愿运到美国,被出卖为奴隶) Though people all share a common American culture, the nation contains many racial and ethnic subcultures with their own distinctive characteristics. (虽然人们有共同的美国文化,但美利坚民族包含了许多种族和少数民族的亚文化群)。 These differences have contributed to racial conflicts that have been a persistent social problem to American society. (这些差异造成了在美国社会长期存在的种族冲突) discrimination against blacks: In American society, any group other than the dominant white Anglo-Saxon Protestant majority is a minority group. The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S. is the blacks who make up about 11.7% of the population. The myth of their racial inferiority was propagated as a justification for their continued subjugation. (所谓黑人种族低劣的神话被广泛传播,并以此作为永远奴役黑人的借口) ---the black “underclass” (“最低层”黑人) 《---The Northern states had all outlawed (废除) slavery by 1830, but in the Southern states, it was ended by the Civil War Lincoln’s emancipation of slaves in 1863 (1863年林肯颁布的《解放黑奴宣言》) and the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1865 (1865年美国通过的第13条宪法修正案) 2004年7月2日,一名无家可归的黑人躺在美国纽约的街头。 ---But after the abolition of slavery, many states passed segregation(隔离) laws to keep the races apart in schools, housing, restaurants and public facilities, and institutionalized discrimination kept blacks in the lowest-paid jobs. (制度化的种族歧视使黑人只能干一些收入最低的工作。) 这是一名黑人妇女在华盛顿职业介绍会上收集工作介绍材料。 这是2005年6月10日,一名无家可归的黑人男子在美国东南部的迈阿密南海滩钻进塑料袋里躲避飓风袭击。 2005年,10月13日,美联社公布的图片显示,美国警察当街殴打黑人嫌犯 这是2004年10月17日,一名黑人妇女手持印有马丁·路德·金头像的标语牌参加集会。当天,上千名美国工人在首都华盛顿的林肯纪念堂前举行集会,要求增加工人就业机会、提高医疗保健水平。 这是2003年7月8日,在美国密西西比州东部城市默里迪恩市的洛克希德·马丁公司飞机制造厂,一名枪击事件受害者(右)被送到救护车上。当天上午,该工厂员工道格·威廉斯携带武器进入工厂,打死5人、打伤8人后饮弹自尽。威廉斯是该厂有名的种族主义分子,一贯憎恨黑人,平


书是爱的奉献 + 关注


