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课程代码:05001A/050012B/ Course Code:05001A/050012B/
050013A/050013B 050013A/050013B
课程名称:社会学Course Name:Sociology
学 时:48 Periods:48
学 分:3 Credits:3
先修课程:Preparatory Courses:
Sociology is the basic course of various majors for school of labor and economics. The goal of this course is to enable students to understand the basic concepts of sociology, the basic theory of Chinese and foreign sociology, sociological research methods and analyze the main point of view, the main existing international and domestic social problems, and from the micro, meso and macro perspective, analyze its characteristics of society, component of society and law of social operation to provide a comprehensive and systematic analysis of social problems of study for other disciplines .
This course emphasizes the basis of knowledge in teaching and highlights the basic sociological concepts, theories, methods and means. The course will equip the students with the future development of knowledge; meet the needs of follow-up course; help students to analyze and solve practical problems of society; develop a comprehensive three-dimensional analysis of social issues and way of thinking of various professional problems; enhance students to describe, explain, predict social problems, and to some extent, regulate and guide their own social behaviors.
Human Resources Management
课程代码:050023ACourse Code: 050023A/050192B/
050293A/050022B/050232B 050293A/050022B/050232B
课程名称:人力资源管理Course Name: Human Resources Management
学 时:48Periods: 48/32
学 分:3Credits: 3/2
考核方式:考试Assessment: Exam
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