
chapter 11Commercial Bank Lending.ppt

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Chapter 11 Commercial Bank Lending 艳萎瓣痒凑啮轿些依畔稼安狙舌既肠瞳亥际窥侦崖馒函泥狱缩诺勺挝蛋柔chapter 11Commercial Bank Lendingchapter 11Commercial Bank Lending I . Open Questions 1. What kinds of international services does a commercial bank offer? Which is the most important one? 2. Where do the funds to lend come from? 3. What should be evaluated before making a loan? 4. Why is promissory note most customary as a credit instrument? 5. For large loans, banks often form a syndicate. What is the beauty of it? 绿斗哥先肿蒲线褪何盾努攫钎梨术嘘矾印危甄蕴矮舰聋牙罐作独晨时饯违chapter 11Commercial Bank Lendingchapter 11Commercial Bank Lending II. Teaching Plan This chapter will cover 3 hours. 2 hours for the introduction of background information and explanations of terms and the texts. And the other 1 hour for discussion and practice. 伍桔武识湃挺掣弥人永税系罢允捐莉厅局祟脯漱持供癸些企肚举撰却卸译chapter 11Commercial Bank Lendingchapter 11Commercial Bank Lending III. Teaching Methods Translation of key sentences Paraphrasing of key words and expressions Explanation of new terms Summarizing of key passages Discussion of important issues Questions and answers: interaction between teachers and students 膀浆峪雨鸿肃驳嘱绩然酚探辱侵服忌稻婆同挣鸽膳外砰躲渝茸忍顶漠窘歉chapter 11Commercial Bank Lendingchapter 11Commercial Bank Lending IV. Background Companies need capital to achieve their vision and financial goals. Commercial bank lending is there to help. Commercial banks are not only banks but also intermediate business between banks and other financial institutions unlike retail banking which provides services directly to consumers. These high-end institutions fund corporations, sole proprietorships and partnerships on many levels, from large businesses to overseas companies in a variety of nations. 凉盆勺冻靛财钥砌轨牢簇兄酞贯入碰该胀堕粗裴求拇蓬觅栽营雕咙苍轿橇chapter 11Commercial Bank Lendingchapter 11Commercial Bank Lending V. Special Terms Paid-in capital 实收资本 capital received from investors in exchange for stock. The term is sometimes also referred to as contributed capital or share capital. 钒吩咯嗡损杖柞蚕魄羹誉矮辅辈套功掣肆啊


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