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研究生教材内容介绍 《数字信号处理——时域离散随机?信号处理》 丁玉美、阔永红等编 450千字 定价:22.00元《数字信号处理——时域离散随机?信号处理》学习指导 阔永红等编著 198千字 定价:10.00元 《》 等编著 千字 定价:.00元 《随机信号处理》 陆光华等编著 320千字 定价:13.00元 《自适应信号处理》 沈福民编著 338千字 定价:16.00元 本书主要介绍自适应信号处理的基本理论、 基本电路与系统的性能应用以及近年来的新进展。 全书共分10章,在第3~6章中,着重分析和讨论自适应基本准则和自适应主要算法;为了便于理解和掌握自适应的基本理论,在本书的第 1、2章中介绍了有关自适应及自适应信号处理的基本概念、 发展概况和有关的基础知识;自第7章后,特别增加了关于自适应信号处理基本电路与系统的性能分析和应用方面的内容。 本书可作为通信、信息工程和信号与信息处理专业及其它相关学科或专业大学高年级学生和研究生的教科书,也可以用作从事该领域研究人员的自学教程。《Statistical and Adaptive Signal processing 》 (Manolakis)编著 645千字 定价:.00元 DIMITRIS G.MANOLAKIS, a native of Greece, received his education (B.S. in physics and Ph.D. in electrical engineering) from the University of Athens, Greece. He is currently a member of the technical staff and MIT Lincoln Laboratory, in Lexington, Massachusetts. Previously, he was a Principal Member, Research Staff, at Riverside Research Institute. Dr. Manolakis has taught at the University of Athens, Northeastern University, Boston College, and Worcester Polytechnic Institure; and he is coauthor of the textbook Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications (Prentice-Hall, 1996, 3d ed.). His research experience and interests include the areas of digital signal processing, adaptive filtering, array processing, pattern recognition, and radar systems. VINAY K.INGLE is Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University. He received his Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1981. He has broad research experience and has taught courses on topics including signal and image processing, stochastic processes, and estimation theory. Professor Ingle is coauthor of the textbooks DSP Laboratory Using the ADSP-2101 Microprocessor



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