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内蒙古农业大学 2014/2015学年第 1 学期 《植物学B》课程考试试卷(A) 适用专业班级:双语类专业 题 号 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total 分 值 7 10 20 13 35 15 100 得 分 得 分 评卷人 1.True or false(判断题). (共7分,每个1分) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) F F T T T F T *:T or F(在表格中对的填写“T”,错误的填写“F”) (1). The English physicist Robert Hooke(虎克) developed cell theory(细胞学说), which states that all living organisms are composed of cells (所有具有生命的有机体都是由细胞构成). The eaten part of potato(马铃薯的食用部分) is a kind of food-storage root(贮藏根). (3). Root tip(根尖) is divided into the region of maturation(成熟区), the region of elongation(伸长区), the region of cell division(分生区) and root cap(根冠). (4). Lateral roots (侧根) are initiated(产生于) in the region of the pericycle(中柱鞘). (5). Pistil(雌蕊) is composed of stigma(柱头), style(花柱), and ovary(子房). (6). Organ (器官) is a group of cells performing a common function(执行共同的功能). (7). Flower parts of monocots (单子叶植物的花各部分) is often in threes(三基数). 得 分 评卷人 2. Please find their descriptions(描述) of the structures(结构)below (请把相关结构描述所代表的字母填在相应数字下面的空格中).(共10分每题分) Nucleus(细胞核) (2)Plasma membrane(细胞膜) (3)Chloroplasts(叶绿体) (4)Ribosome(核糖体) (5)Mitochondrion(线粒体) A. Respiration(呼吸作用) B. Control center of cell C. Link amino acids (氨基酸) together to construct protein(蛋白质) D. Photosynthesis(光合作用) E. Control movement of substances (物质)into and out of cell Tissue (组织) (6)Meristem (分生组织) (7)Parenchyma(薄壁组织) (8)Sclerenchyma(厚壁组织) (9)Xylem(木质部) (10)Periderm(周皮) F. Replace epidermis (表皮) to protect in woody plants G. Most abundant(丰富), can divide sometimes, include aerenchyma(通气组织), chlorenchyma(同化组织) and so on H. Conduct water and materials absorbed(吸收) by root I. Thick secondary wall(次生壁) with lignin(木质素), strong J. Cell can divide, region of growth 得 分 评卷人 3. Translation (翻译下面的术语).(共20分每题) (1) Microscope; (2) Organelle; (3) Primary wall; (4) Chromosome; (5) Apical meristem; 显微镜 细胞器 初生壁 染色体 顶端分生组织


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