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雅思写作步步为营之 So from our own school experience, we can find plenty of evidence to support the view that a child can acquire these skills with continued teaching and guided practice. Good musicians or artists and exceptional sports stars have probably succeeded because of both good training and natural talent. Of course, factors such as loving relationships, good health, the skills to earn a living and a peaceful environment all contribute to our happiness too. High?tax?penalties?could?be?imposed?on?high-fat?food?products,?tobacco?and?alcohol. The variety of sports that could be offered would cater for all ages, levels of fitness and interests. But this does not mean that people without these conditions cannot be happy. It is the interacting of the two that shapes a person’s personality and dictates how that personality develops. If this were not true, then we would be able to predict the behavior and character of a person from the moment they were born. For??example,??if?sufficient??sky??train??and??underground??train??systems??were??built??and??effectively?maintained??in??our??major??cities,??then??traffic??on??the??roads??would??be??dramatically?reduced. ? If there were easy-to-reach local sports centers, we would be more likely to make exercise a regular part of our lives, rather than just collapsing in front of a screen every evening. 唯有当你曾身处深谷,你才能理解站在最高山顶的美妙。 Only when you have been in the deepest valley can you ever know how wonderful it is to be on the highest mountain.? 成功来自于自信和坚持。 With confidence and persistence comes success.? 很难说到底是什么带来了幸福。 It is pretty hard to tell what does bring happiness.? 自由的海洋也有波浪。 The sea of liberty is never without a wave.? 凡是自然的都是优雅的。 What is natural is never disgraceful.? 真正重要的是合作。 What really matters is cooperation.? 不付出努力无伟业可言。 Never was a good job done without great effort.? 在理解世界这一点上,科学的方法最有力。 Nothing is more powerful for understanding the world than the scientific method.?



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