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收入不平等于贫困Income Inequality and Poverty 第20章 Chapter 20 收入分配 The Distribution of Income 一个人的收入取决于这个人劳动的供给与需求,供给与需求又取决于天赋能力、人力资本、补偿性工资差别和歧视等。 “A person’s earnings depend on the supply and demand for that person’s labor, which in turn depend on natural ability, human capital, compensating differentials, discrimination, and so on.” 不平等的衡量 The Measurement of Inequality 我们的社会存在多少不平等 How much inequality is there in our society? 有多少人生活在贫困中? How many people live in poverty? 衡量不平等程度时引起了哪些问题? What problems arise in measuring the amount of inequality? 人们通常如何在各收入阶级之间流动? How often do people move among income classes? 美国的收入分配:1998年 The Distribution of Income in the USA: 1998 美国的收入不平等 U.S. Income Inequality Imagine that you. . . . . . lined up all of the families in the economy according to their annual income. . . . divided the families into five equal groups (bottom fifth, second fifth, etc.) . . . computed the share of total income that each group of families received. 美国的收入不平等 Income Inequality in the United States 近年来收入不平等增长的原因 Reasons for Recent Increase in Income Inequality 下面两点的出现倾向于降低了对不熟练劳动的需求,而增加了对熟练劳动的需求 The following have tended to reduce the demand for unskilled labor and raise the demand for skilled labor: 与低工资国家国际贸易的增长 Increases in international trade with low-wage countries 技术变革 Changes in technology 近年来收入不平等增长的原因 Reasons for Recent Increase in Income Inequality 不熟练工人相对于熟练工人的工资已经下降。 The wages of unskilled workers have fallen relative to the wages of skilled workers. 这种相对工资变动加剧了家庭收入的不平等。 This has resulted in increased inequality in family incomes. 妇女运动于收入分配 The Women’s Movement and the Income Distribution 有工作妇女的百分比从20世纪50年代的32%增加到90年代的54%。 The percentage of women who hold jobs has risen from about 32 percent in the 1950s to about 54 percent in the 1990s. 世界各国的不平等 Income Equality Around the World 贫困率 The Poverty Rate 贫困率是家庭收入低于称为贫困县的绝对水平的人口百分比。 The poverty rate is the percentage of the population whose family i


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