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脑干的内部结构 the internal structure 1、脑神经核the cranial n. nuclei 2、非脑神经核non-cranial n. nuclei 3、上下行传导束ascending and descending pathways 4、网状结构reticular formation 脑神经核团 the nuclei of cranial nerve 1、the general somatic motor nuclei 2、the special visceral motor nuclei 3、the general visceral motor nuclei 4、the general and special visceral sensory nuclei 5、the general somatic seneory nuclei 6、the special somatic sensory nuclei 一般躯体运动核 The general somatic motor nuclei 1、动眼神经核the oculomotor nucleus 2、滑车神经核the trochlear nucleus 3、外展神经核the abducent nucleus 4、舌下神经核the hypoglossal nucleus 特殊内脏运动神经核 The special visceral motor nuclei 1、三叉神经运动核the motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve 2、面神经核the nucleus of facial nerve 3、疑核the nucleus ambiguus 4、副神经核the spinal accessory nucleus 一般内脏运动神经核 the general visceral motor nuclei 1、动眼神经副核 the accessory oculomotor nucleus 2、上泌涎核(脑桥) the superior salivatory nucleus 3、下泌涎核(延髓) The inferior salivatory nucleus 4、迷走神经背核 The dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve 一般和特殊内脏感觉核 The general and special visceral sensory nuclei 孤束核The nucleus of solitary tract 1、上端:接受Ⅶ、Ⅸ、Ⅹ对神经分布的味觉特殊内脏感觉纤维。 2、本身:接受Ⅶ、Ⅸ、Ⅹ对神经分布的粘膜、血管壁的一般内脏感觉纤维。 一般躯体感觉核the general somatic sensory nuclei 1、三叉神经中脑核mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve:头面部本体感觉 2、三叉神经脑桥核pontine nucleus of trigeminal nerve:头面部触压觉 3、三叉神经脊束核spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve:头面部痛温觉 特殊躯体感觉核 The special somatic sensory nuclei 1、前庭神经核群the vestibular nucleus complex:内、外、上、下(脊束)前庭核 2、耳蜗神经核the cochlear nucleus: 前、后耳蜗神经核 非脑神经核团 the non-cranial nerve nuclei 1、薄束核the gracile nucleus 2、楔束核the cuneate nucleus 3、上橄榄核群the inferior olivary nuclear complex 4、下橄榄核the superior olivary nucleus 5、脑桥核the pontine nuclei 6、蓝斑核the nucleus ceruleus 7、下丘核the nucleus of inferior colliculus 8、上丘the superior colliculus 9、红核the red nucleus 10、黑质the substantia nigra 11、顶盖前区核the pretectal nucleus 上行传导束 the long ascending pathways 1、内侧丘系the medial lemniscus 2、脊髓丘系the spinothalamic leminiscus 3、外侧丘系the lateral leminiscus 4、三叉丘系trigeminal leminiscus 5、内侧纵束


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