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编号 :     本科毕业设计(论文) 题目:论企业如何建设团队精神 The discussion about an enterprise how to build team spirit 专 业 工商管理 班 级 学 号 姓 名 完成日期 摘 要 【摘要】古人云:“千人同心,则得千人之力;万人异心,则无一人之用”。也许古人不知道什么是团队精神,但他的意思表达的很深刻,一千人同心同德,可以发挥超过一千人的力量,可是,如果一万个人离心离德,恐怕连一个人的力量也比不上!当今时代,随着经济的全球一体化步伐的加快,改革开放的深入,市场经济的不断成熟,打造强有力的团队精神,已经越来越成为企业团队建设和管理的关键。什么是团队精神?团队精神有什么作用?又应该怎样去培养和建设团队精神?本文将对以上问题展开讨论和分析团队精神,领导艺术, The discussion about an enterprise how to build team spirit Abstract 【ABSTRACT】The ancients said: one thousand people together, the force of one thousand people; ten thousand people disunited, no single person to use. they didnt know what was team spirit, but the words meant a lot. If one thousand people unite as one, they can get the strength of more than one thousand. However, if ten thousand people disunite, they can only get the strength even less than a single one. In modern times, with the quickening pace of global integration of economy, the deepening of the reform and opening up and the growing maturity of market economy, to build a strong team spirit has become the key of enterprise team construction and management. What is team spirit? What role does the team spirit play? Problems appear in the process of construction of team spirit.Analyse the reasons. And how to cultivate and build team spirit? This article will discuss and analyse the above issues. 【KEYWORDS】s,solutions. 目 录 1 绪论 4 1.1团队精神的内涵 4 1.2企业团队精神的原则 4 1.2.1塑造团队精神,要强调协作原则 4 1.2.2塑造团队精神,要坚持优势互补原则 5 1.2.3塑造团队精神,要强调团结一致向前看的原则 5 1.2.4塑造团队精神,要重视发挥团队个人能力与依靠组织力量相结合的原则 5 1.3团队精神对企业作用 6 1.3.1目标导向功能 6 1.3.2凝聚功能 6 1.3.3激励功能 6 1.3.4控制功能 6 2 团队精神建设的现状及问题分析 7 2.1团队精神建设的现状 7 2.2团队精神建设中出现的问题及原因 7 2.2.1强调团队利益高于一切忽视了企业的整体利益 8 2.2.2过分强调内部团结缺少竞争机制 8 2.2.3强调人情味和亲和力缺少严格的纪律约束 9 2.2.4强调团结协作,忽视个性创造 9 3 团队精神建设的具体措施 11 3.1打造团队精神的三利器 11 3.1.1真诚的信任 11 3.1.2良性的冲突 11 3.1.3坚定不移地执行 1


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