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光对马来良姜花柱运动和花药开裂的影响*( 毕廷菊1 ,周会平 2 ,苏志龙 1 ,李冬1 ,李孙洋 1 ,崔现亮 1 ,罗银玲 1* * (1 普洱学院,云南 普洱 665000; 2 云南省热带作物科学研究所,云南 景洪666100) 摘要: 以马来良姜 (Alpinia mutica) 花柱为研究对象,研究光对花柱卷曲运动和花药开裂的影响。结果表明下垂型花柱的两次运动在光下和暗处都能进行,花药的开裂也不受光照影响。上举型花柱的第一次运动在暗处时向下进行,在光下时向上进行; 暗处的花药不开裂,光下的花药开裂。第二次运动的方向和幅度取决于第一次运动期间的光照条件,第一次运动在暗处时,若第二次也在暗处,第二次运动不会发生且花药不开裂; 若在光处,花柱向上运动。第一次运动在光下时,第二次运动无论光下或暗处,都向下运动。本研究表明,在不同光照条件下,两种表型的花柱与花药状态的组合使柱头接触不到同花的花粉,从而保证了雌雄异位与雌雄异熟。尽管两种表型的花柱运动和花药开裂行为相似,却受不同的机制调控。 关键词: 姜科; 山姜属; 花柱卷曲运动; 花药开裂; 光 中图分类号: Q 945  文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-0845(2012)05-453-06 Light Effects on the Style Curvature and Anther Dehiscenceof Alpinia mutica (Zingiberaceae) BI Ting- Ju 1 ,ZHOU Hui- Ping 2 ,SU Zhi- Long 1 ,LI Dong 1 ,LI Sun- Yang 1 ,CUI Xian- Liang 1 ,LUO Yin- Ling 1* * (1 Puer University,Puer 665000,China; 2 Yunnan Institute of Tropical Crops,Jinghong 666100,China) Abstract: We studied the light effects on style curvature and anther dehiscence of Alpinia mutica. The resultsshowed that light did not change the style movement directions of cata- morph,neither the anther opening time. Thefirst style curvature of ana- morph moved downwards in darkness,and moved upwards in light. Meanwhile,the an-ther did not dehisce in darkness,but dehisced in light. The second style curvature of ana- morph depended on thelight condition of first curvature. If kept in darkness all the time after first downward curvature,the styles did notmove upwards and the anther did not dehisce. If first curvature occurred in light,the styles curved downwards bothin darkness and light conditions. This research indicated that under different light conditions the combinations ofstyle and anther states in two morphs made the stigma untouch the pollen from the same flower and therefore guaran-teed the herkogamy and dichogamy. Although the behavior of style and anther in two morphs were similar, the mech-anisms that regulated these behavior were different. Key words: Zingiberaceae; Alpinia; Style curvature; Anther dehiscence; Light 植物虽然



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