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EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT FOR FOREIGN CONSTRUCTION WORKERS IN THE REPUBLIC OF 雇 佣 外 籍 建 筑 工 人 合 同 (一劳) This Employment Contract (雇佣合同)is made between 兹由 (1) ________________________________________________________ having its registered address at : ________________________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Employer”) on one part and (以下简称雇主,为一方,与): Name (姓名) Nationality (国籍) Date of Birth (出生日期) Identification No. (身份证号码) Address(家庭住址) (hereinafter referred to as the “Employee”) on the other part who voluntarily bind themselves to the terms and conditions in this employment contract (以下简称为雇员,作为另一方,自愿达成以下雇佣条款): IT IS HEREBY AGREED THAT this employment contract, which includes the terms and conditions stated in Annex A and any documents referred to in them and any alterations, modifications, amendments or revisions to the same notified by the Employer to the Employee form the contract of employment between the Employer and the Employee: 同时,本雇佣合同也包括附件A及其提及的文件内容以及在执行过程中根据情况对这些内容进行的补充、修改和完善,并相应通知雇员。 1. General Principle (总则) 1.1 The Employment Contract is to be signed by the Employee under his notion and common understanding. And it has been studied by himself and considered carefully under his own sanity and his family’s permission. 本雇佣合同书是雇员在充分理解的基础上签订的。雇员在签署时,神智清醒,无任何压力或引诱,并已取得家属支持后,经多次阅读和反复思考,完全自愿签署的。 1.2 After this Contract is signed, the employment relationship will be established. And it should be the behavior standard of the employee’s. Any breach for it, the Employee will accept the relative penalty for his own deeds. 本合同签署后,雇员的一切言行必须以本合同为准则,若有违反,雇员自愿 受罚。 2. Task (工作安排) 2.1 The Employer may at their absolute discretion assign the Employee in a different trade/task from time to time. The Employer reserves their right to adjust the Employee’s pay accordingly if the Employee is unable and/or is incompetent to carry out the assigned trade/task. 雇主有权根据需要将雇员安排在另一个职位工作。同时,雇主保留因


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