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传统商务与电子商务比较研究 【摘    要】 为了促进电子商务在我国的普及和发展 , 通过对传统商务与电子商务的基本特征、竞争则、经营理念、组织结构、运作过程、市场营销、物流、消费方式、经济学原理等方面进行比较研究 , 来论电子商务具有传统商务不可比拟的优越性。 【关  键  词】 传统商务  电子商务  网络  竞争 Its likely that many old-line business with S/390s installed are now casting around looking for some other hardware solution to drive their Web sites and EBusiness activity. They can stop looking, because the mainframe computer can now run Unix extensions. What does this mean? According to Dennis Wunder at the IBM S/390 operation in Poughkeepsie, New York, it can run Java, which takes the machine into the realm of EBusiness, With the universality of Java available, says Wunder, users dont need to go to a Windows-based server or to a Unix server to get their e-commerce strategy up and running. Wunder suggests that using a mainframe is less expensive than other solutions. The administration is simplified. The back-end and front-end operations are concentrated in one machine, rather than being segregated into several machines, as is common with other platforms. Such other solutions will have one server acting as the Web server interface, connected to other servers for application program logic, connected to a back-end database server. Claims such as this are all dependent, of course, on the particular situation that is under discussion. However, the good news for S/390 installations is that they dont automatically have to move into another platform. The mainframe can Web, too. 传统商务起源于史前。当我们的祖先开始对日常活动进行分工时,商业活动就开始了。每个家庭不再像以前那样既要种植谷物,又要打猎和制造工具了。每个家庭可专心于某一项生产活动,然后用他们的产品去换取所需之物。例如,制造工具的家庭可以和种植谷物的家庭互换产品。在这些原始的交易中,无形的服务也开始进行了交易。例如,巫医通过施巫术或求神保佑来换取食品和工具。 最终,货币的出现取代了易货交易,交易活动变得更容易了。然而,交易的基本原理并没有变化:社会的某一成员创造有价值的物品,这种物品是其他成员所需要的。所以,商务活动就是至少有两方参与的有价物品或服务的协商交换过程,它包括买卖各方为完成交易所进行的各种活动。 相对于传统商务 , 电子商务具有国际化、信息化和无纸化 , 已经成为各国商务发展的趋势 , 并具有无可替代的功能和优异的特点。在我看来,电子商务的范畴极其广泛。 模式一:将传统商务的柜台销售模式迁移到网络平台上来,形成电子商务的模式之一。 以这种模式经营的站点很多,以亚马逊书店为代表。国内的代表站点有8848,易趣,当当等等。他们基本上仍然采用传统的商业流程:进货--商品展示、广告宣传--用户选购、付款--配送--用户而上述的几家商务网站并不成功,个人认为,主要


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