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第二节 电磁学 Questions 1-2 A conducting sphere of radius R2 has a concentric spherical cavity of radius R1, as shown above. The sphere has no charge. However, there is a charge q in the center of the cavity. 1. What is the surface charge density on the inner surface of the sphere? 解:电荷q发出的电力线均终止在球壳内表面上(或终止于q的电力线全来自于球壳内表面),所以球壳内表面电量为(q。由于球对称性,电量均匀分布,面电荷密度 。 选(A)。 2. What is the potential of the sphere? (Assume that the potential is zero at an infinite distance away.) 解:由导体球壳电量守恒,外表面电量为q。所以球壳外电场强度为 , 电势为 , 注意答案为Gauss单位制。选(B)。 3. In the circuit illustrated above, the point marked e1 is raised instaneously at time t0 from zero to a fixed positive potential. If e2 is connected to a high-impedance D.C. oscilloscope input, the gragh of its voltage V as a function of time t will most resemble which of the following? 解:t0瞬间电容上电量无法突变,所以示波器信号电压为0,可排除(A)、(B)、(C)三种情况;当t ( ( 时,电路处于稳定状态,电容相当于短路,电阻上无压降,示波器信号电压为V0。选(E)。 4. a coaxial cable having radii a, b, andc carries equal and opposite currents of magnitude i on the inner and outer conductors.What is the magnitude of the magnetic induction at point P outside of the cable at a distance r from the axis? Zero 解:系统具有轴对称性,r相同的地方磁感应强度相等。由Ampere环路定理, 。 因为电流总量为0,所以磁感应强度为0。选(A)。 5. A isolated sphere of radius R contains a uniform volume distribution of positive charge. Which of the curves on the graph above correctly illustrates the dependence of the magnitude of the electric field of the sphere as function of the distance r from its center? A B C D E 解:由Gauss定理,在球内部 , 故E ( r。选(C)。 6. Which of the following equations is a consequence of the equation ? 解:旋度场无散,选(A)。 Questions 7-8 In the circuit shown above, the resistances are given in ohms and the battery is assumed ideal with emf equal to 3.0 volts. 7. The resistor that dissipates the most power is R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 解:比较简单的方法是设R3上电流为I0,利用串并联的关系易得:(R4,2I0);(R5,3I0);(R2,3I0);(R1,6I0)。显然R1上功率最大,选(A)。 8. The volta



