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Unit Four 增译法 ( Amplification)绪言: 杨振宁教授曾说:“中国的文化是向模糊、朦胧及总体的方向走.” 而且,汉语多重意合而英语重形合,因此在将因重意合而多采用并列结构的汉语译成因重形合而多采用主从结构的英语时不可避免地需要采用增译法。 1.语义性增词(To add words owing to the semantic need)1.1准确忠实传达原文的意义:e.g. ①我们将坚定不移地把加强同发展中国家的团结与合作为我国对外政策的基本立足点。译文:We will unswervingly take the strengthening of unity and cooperation with other developing countries as a basic principle underlying China’s foreign policies.分析:如果不增加other一词,则无法向译文读者表明中国也是发展中国家。 ②特区政府拥有较大的经济管理权限。译文:Government in special economic zone is given great power to administer local economy.分析:“经济”指特区管理内的经济,所以译文补充local明确加以限定。③领居王二婶把钥匙锁在家里。译文:Aunt Wang, a neighbor of his, left her Key in her locked house through carelessness.(如译为:Aunt Wang, a neighbor of his, locked her key at home.不仅原文意思表达不完整,而且容易使译文读者误以为王二婶有意将钥匙锁在家中。) ④西湖名菜有南宋风味,享誉已久。“南宋风味”如果按字面直译成:which have the style and taste of the South Song Dynasty会显得非常荒唐,也不符合原文的真实含义。译文:West Lake dishes, which originated in the South Song Dynasty, have been well known for their taste and flavor.⑤农业产业化:the industrial management of agriculture.⑥政府管理信息化:promote IT for government administration 1.2. 明示原文中的暗含意义(To specify the implication of the original)Examples: ① 为了拍这张照片,我忘了拣做晚饭的牛粪。 译文:In order to take this photo, I forgot to collect yakdung as fuel for cooking supper.分析:如果不增加as fuel则译文读者会感到费解,很难联想到所拣牛粪是做燃料用的。 ②上海,这个灯红酒绿的花花世界,对一个初上舞台的青年女演员,处处是陷阱。译文:Shanghai was a dazzling world of myriad temptation, yet for a young and inexperienced actress like herself, it seemed a place more of pitfalls than opportunities.译文分析:译文增加opportunities因为女演员在大上海寻求机遇,含义隐含在原文中,与“陷阱”相对。 ③我还是希望能够说服人民。译文:I am still hoping that I can succeed in persuading our people to come round to my view.分析:to come round to my view加上之后,原文意图才能为译文读者所领悟。 1.3.原文语境的增补(To add words to embody the original context of situation)1.3