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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福阅读材料之十个欢度圣诞节的城市 出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别 1. New York City, U.S. 1. 纽约 (美国) If you like your Christmas celebrations bold and over-the-top, make New York City your holiday destination. Manhattan seems even more magnificent at Christmas time. Rockefeller Centers iconic Christmas tree and outdoor skating rink vie for attention with the beautiful storefront displays at Macys, and Saks 5th Avenue. Explore holiday markets at Grand Central Terminal, Bryant Park and Columbus Circle. 如果你想过一个狂野的圣诞节,那么,来纽约吧!无论是洛克菲勒中心的圣诞树和室外滑雪场,梅西百货和第五大道美轮美奂的展示窗,中央车站的节日商场,还是布莱恩公园或哥伦布怪圈,总之,曼哈顿绝不会让你失望的。 2. Montreal, Canada 2. 蒙特利尔 (加拿大) Arts and entertainment take centre stage in Montreals Christmas celebrations. Witness holiday magic at the Les Grands Ballets performance of the Nutcracker, or immerse yourself in Old Montreals Extravaganza festival. Here a traditional Christmas village highlights the Yuletide season with a full-fledged European market, outdoor Christmas carols, horse-drawn carriage rides, an exhibition of Santa Clauses and a tour of nativity scenes created by local and foreign artisans. 艺术和娱乐是蒙特利尔圣诞节引人注目的地方。你可以目睹蒙特利尔大芭蕾舞团的神奇表演,或者沉浸到狂欢节中去。这里有完善的欧式购物中心,室外圣诞颂歌,马拉车,圣诞老人展览,以及本地和外地艺术家带来的基督诞生剧,这些都是传统圣诞节的亮点。 3. London, England 3. 伦敦 (英国) The capital is bursting with holiday cheer. Dazzling Christmas lights brighten up Oxford Street, Covent Garden and Carnaby Street. Skating aficionados can go for a seasonal spin on the picturesque rinks in Somerset House, Hyde Park, Canary Wharf and the Tower of London. Love holiday music? St. Martin-in-the-Fields hosts an inspiring line-up of Christmas concerts while Londons most famous Christmas tree holds court nearby in Trafalgar Square. 这座城市到处都是节日的喜庆。牛津大街,考文特花园,以及卡纳比大街上点亮着夺目的圣诞彩灯。滑雪爱好者们在海德公园,金丝雀码头,伦敦塔,以及萨莫赛特宫前的古典滑雪场翩翩起舞。当然,这么温馨的节日不能少了音乐,圣马丁室内乐团将会在特拉法尔加广场的圣诞树旁为游客带来欢悦的演唱会。 4. Rovaniemi, Finland 4. 洛瓦涅米 (芬兰) For a storybook Christmas, Rovaniemi, Finland is hard to beat. Laplands main city becomes a win


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