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Unit 1 Part Ⅱ 1-5 ADBAA 6-10 DADBA 11-15 DCBBD 16-20 CCABB 21-25 CCDCB 26-30 BBCCC PartⅢ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 1. Y 2. N 3. Y 4. NG 5. NG 6. Y 7. N 8. we actually think with words 9. maximum results 10. Context, Parts and Dictionary PartⅣ A?: 1-5 E O M B J 6-10 L G F A N B?: 11-15 C C C C A 16-20 B B D C A PartⅤ 1.rewarding 2.with 3.junior 4.positive 5.eager 6.top 7.senior 8.impatience 9.eagerness 10.in 11.until 12.across 13.again 14.reasons 15.afraid 16.stay 17.online 18.virtual 19.benefits 20.value 21.insights 22.open 23.exchange PartⅥ 1.对我来说,学习外语是一场非常艰苦的经历,但同时也是一场无法估价的宝贵经历。 2. 我能够和别人进行交流,并能弥合双方交谈中在语言和文化方面的差异。 3. 有时侯我会因为挫折而哭泣,有时甚至想放弃。 4.For some students, the most amazing result of having come to college is that they have learned how to lead a romantic life. 5.Because of his undue interest in online surfing, he is likely to put all his mind on this business, never caring about his school work. 6.Unlike the girl I came across in the senior middle school, she is very self-important, never looking me in the eye. Unit 2 Part Ⅱ 1-5 DADBA 6-10 CDABA 11-15 BBAAB 16-20 ACABA 21-25 BDDCD 26-30 DCBDB PartⅢ 1-7 CBAADBC 8.unforeseen events 9. less strict carbon regulation 10.conquer PartⅣ A?: 1-5 KAJOD 6-10 CNELH B?: 11-15 DCCAC 16-20 ADCDA PartⅤ 1.along 2.burst into 3.stuff 4.over and over 5.offensive 6.get ready for 7.wake up 8.rush 9.grabbed 10.put on 11.As usual 12.standing 13.instructions 14.wash off 15.wear 16.pierced 17.thousands of 18.share 19.from 20.bugged 21.a lot PartⅥ 1. 桑迪躺在床上,听着她喜欢的电台广播,嘴里哼着歌词。 2. 我想我还不至于老得落伍吧,可没完没了地听那毫无韵律、令人讨厌的歌曲实在令我生气。 3. 我想他们是在表达自我本色,可这种表达方式与我们过去完全不一样。 4. I am wearing only half as much as I usually do. 5. Stephen was so tired that he fell asleep


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