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小球藻药用价值 摘要:小球藻是一种球形单细胞淡水藻类,直径3~8微米,是地球上最早的生命之一,小球藻科的一属。小球藻属都是单细胞,单生或聚集成群体。小球(Chlorella)为绿藻门小球藻属普生性单细胞绿藻Plops One, 2012, 7: e50414 [3] 胡开辉,汪世华. 小球藻的研究开发进展[J]. 武汉工业学院学报, 2005, 24(3): 27-30 Hub Kai-hue, Wang Shi-hue. Development and progress of Chlorella [J]. Journal of Wuhan Polytechnic University, 2005, 24(3): 27-30 [4] Lee YK. Commercial production of microalgae in the Asia-Pacific rim [J]. Journal of Applied Phycology, 1997, 9(5): 403-411 [5] Spolaore P , Duran E, et al. Commercial applications of microalgae [J]. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2006, 101(2): 87-96 [6] 李国平, 陈林水. 蛋白核小球藻粉的蛋白质、氨基酸含量及 营养价值评价[J]. 亚热带植物科学, 2003, 32(1): 36-38 Yang LS, Li GP, Chen SL. Analysis of the content of protein and amino acid in the powder of Chlorella and its nutritive . Subtropical Plant Science, 2003, 32(1): 36-38 [7] 关于批准蛋白核小球藻等4 种新资源食品的公告(卫生部公告2012 年第19 号) [8] Yamaguchi K. Recent advances in microalgal bioscience in Japan, with special reference to utilization of biomass and metabolites: a review [J]. Journal of Applied Phycology, 1996, 8(6): 487-502 [9] Hasegawa T, Ito K, Ueno S, et al. Oral administration of hot water extracts of Chlorella vulgaris reduces IgE production against milk casein in mice [J]. International Journal of Immunopharmacology, 1999, 21(5): 311-323 [10] Dantas D, Queiroz MLS. Effects of Chlorella vulgaris on bone marrow progenitor cells of mice infected with Listeria monocytogenes [J]. International Journal of Immunopharmacology, 1999, 21(8): 499-508 [11] Morita K, Matsueda T, Iida T, et al. Chlorella accelerates dioxin excretion in rats [J]. The Journal of Nutrition, 1999, 129(9): 1731-1736 [12] Sano T, Kumamoto Y, Kamiya N, et al. Effect of lipophilic extract of Chlorella vulgaris on alimentary hyperlipidemia in cholesterol- rats [J]. Artery, 1987, 15(4): 217-224 [13] Merchant RE, Andre CA. A review of recent clinical trials of th e nutritional supplement Chlorella pyrenoidosa in the treatment of fibromyalgia, hypertension and ulcerative colit


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