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广州五中高三英语复习资料——高级句 一、定语从句 Yesterday I helped an old man who/that had got lost. 昨天我帮助了一个迷路的老人。 Children who/that study abroad will have a good opportunity to experience a different culture. 到外国读书的小孩将会有一个好的机会去体验一个不同的文化。 Anyone who is willing to take part in the activity goes to your monitor and sign up for it. 凡愿意参加活动者可到班长处报名。 Advertisements often urge people to buy things which/that they do not need. 广告经常促使人们购买他们不需要的东西。 The Internet is a good tool which/that can expand our horizon. 互联网是一种扩大我们视野的好工具。 I can easily get along well with others, which is important for a volunteer. 我容易与他人相处融洽,这对于志愿者是重要的。 The first place that he visited in Guangzhou was the Pearl River. 他游览广州的第一个地方是珠江。 There seems to be nothing in the world that he can’t manage. 对于他而言,世界上似乎没有他做不了的事情。 China, which was founded in 1949, is becoming more and more powerful. 成立于1949年,中国变得越来越强大。 He succeeded in the competition,which made his parents very happy. 他成功赢得了这个竞赛,这使他父母非常高兴。 Carrie reached home in high good spirits,which made her boyfriend very surprised. 嘉莉兴高采烈地回到家,这使她的男朋友非常惊奇。 Miss Wang is just the teacher whom I can ask for help. 王老师正是我能够向其寻求帮助的老师。 I have many friends, some of whom are well educated. 我有很多朋友,其中有些是受过良好教育的人。 Kate is the girl whose parents work in Japan. 凯特就是那个父母在日本工作的女孩。 I prefer to work in a team, which offer me a chance to learn from others. 我宁愿合作学习,合作学习给予我向他人学习的机会。 I am looking forward to a time when there is long-lasting peace rather than war. 我正期盼着一个长期和平而并非战争的时期。 You can’t do everything for your children. There will be a time when they must leave home and spread their wings.? 你不能为孩子们包干一切。总有一天他们必须离家施展他们自己的才能。 I still remember the day when I first came to the school. 我仍然记得初次到校的那一天。 Great changes have taken place in the city in which/where I was born. 我出生的城市发生了翻天覆地的变化。 The museum is the place where people can get educated and entertained. 博物馆是一个人们可以得到教育和娱乐的地方。 That is the reason why I am in favor of the former view. 那就是我同意前者的观点的原因。 This is the reason why I don’t agree with what you said


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