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Useful Expression 韩孟迪 words lunatic adj. crazy,ridiculous or extramely foolish 疯狂的;荒唐可笑的;极其愚蠢的 a lunatic decision 愚蠢的决定; lunatic ideas 荒谬的想法 n. an insane person 疯子;疯人 eg. He must be a lunatic to drive his car so fast. 该词源自拉丁文lunaticus(luna即月亮),因为人们曾相信月亮的盈亏可以引发暂时的神经错乱。 words scratch v.1 to cut or damage your skin slightly with sth. sharp 划破;划伤 eg. The brambles scratched my legs. 2 to rub your skin with your nails because it is itching 挠;搔(痒) eg.Jane lifted her glasses and scratched her nose. words a cut on sb.s skin or the surface of sth. 划痕;划伤 eg. Jessica escaped without any scratch. scratch the surface 仅触及表面;浅尝辄止 eg. The lecturer merely scratched the surface of the subject. words convert v.1 to change or make sth. change into another form or state 使转化;转换 eg. The solar cell can convent the energe of sunlight into electric energy. 2 to change or persuade sb. to change their religion or belifes 使改变(宗教或信仰);使皈依 eg.John has converted to Buddhism. words convert:指使某物从一种状态或情况,以使其适于新的用途或目的,还可以用来指信仰、观点等方面的改变。 change:可指任何变化,或大或小,或质量或数量,尤指使改变的与原物完全不同或使发生以新换旧的变化。 alter:指应用范围很广,仅次于change;也可以指对衣服的改动,使更合身。 phrases fill up with:① 充满 eg.Her eyes filled up with tears when she heard the good news. ② 用……填满,装满 eg.We can filled the car up with the petrol at the petrol station. phases by design 故意地;有意地; antonyms: by accident eg.Nobody knows whether it happened by accident or by design. other phases break out 爆发;突然开始 by choice 出于自己的选择 call up 拜访 know of 知道;了解 provide for sb. 提供生活所需;供养 seek out 挑选出;物色;搜寻 sentences All we require,since nature did not dress us properly,is one garment to keep us warm,and some shelter from rain and wind.(para.2 line 4) He knew that of all men then alive in the world only Alexander the conqueror and Diogenes the beggar were free.(para.17 line 8) Thank You * *


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