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22 Ex. 2 Sentences and a passage Exercise 1 Sentences: Articles 1. Why don’t you open a window here, for God’s sake? 我的天,你干嘛不打开一扇窗户呢?(数量具有重要意义) 。 2. We should have bought the land next door. 当初我们真该把隔壁那块地买下来。(特指) 3. There was a big snow yesterday. 昨天下了一场大雪。(数量具有重要意义) 4. I could stay for a day or two, but as for staying a week, it would be out of the question. 我可以待上一两天,但要待上一个星期,那是不行的。 5. His courage and integrity is out of question. 他的勇气和正直是无可怀疑的。 6. A parrot can talk like a man. 鹦鹉会象人一样讲话。(泛指,不宜译出) 7. The pen is mightier than the sword. 文字的力量大于武力。(或:笔比剑更有力。) 8. The proton has a positive charge and the electron a negative charge, but the neutron has neither. 质子带正电荷,电子带负电贺,中子既不带正电贺也不带负电荷。 9. The “Flying Eagle” is flying from London to Edinburgh. “飞鹰”号班机正在由伦敦飞往爱丁堡。 10. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。 11. Please take the medicine three times a day. 这种药,请每天服用三次。 12. This car travels twenty miles to the gallon. 这辆汽车每加仑汽油可以行驶20英里。 13. On my return home the scene revisited my mind, greeting my eyes with the verdant, luxurious meadow, the red-attired clusters of florets, the neighing, galloping steeds and the heroic eagles soaring high in the air. 在归途中,回忆起当时的情景,历历如在眼前:那绿荫似锦的草地,那万紫千红的花簇,那嘶鸣奔驰的骏马,还有那在高空中翱翔的雄鹰。 Exercise 2 Passage No. 1 The Shipwrecked Sailor 幸存的水手 No. 2 A Great ship sailed from Egypt to the mines of Pharaoh, well built, and manned by the best sailors in the country - sailors who has seen heaven and earth, and had the courage of lions. 一艘巨船从埃及起航,驶往法老的矿山。船造得很坚固,船员都是全国最优秀的水手,他们见过世面,象狮子一般勇猛。 No. 3 They expected fair winds, but a storm arose and they ship was wrecked. 他们盼望一帆风顺。不料海上起了风暴,船沉没了。 No. 4 All the sailors perished but one, and he returned to his master and told him of a strange thing that had happened to him, and begged him to send a messenger for him to court, for he had gifts to give Pharaoh. 所有的水手中只有一人幸免于难。他回到主人那里,说他经历了一件怪事,恳求主人为他派一名使者到王宫去,因为他有礼物要献给法老。 No. 5 At first his master was angr


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