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Runoff Estimation, and Surface Erosion and Control Ali Fares, PhD NREM 600, Evaluation of Natural Resources Management Runoff Estimation, and Surface Erosion and Control Ali Fares, PhD Watershed Hydrology, NREM662 UHM-CTAHR-NREM Runoff Estimation What are the factors that affect runoff? TR55 CN Method The SCS has developed a method of determining excess rain based on precipitation depth (P). The model developed by the SCS separates precipitation into three categories: Q - Direct runoff (excess rain) This is the depth (in) of rain that shows up as runoff. F - Actual retention. This is the depth (in) of the abstraction Ia - Initial abstraction This is the depth (in) of rain that must fall before runoff starts. SCS Runoff Equation Where Q = runoff (in) P = rainfall (in) S = potential maximum retention after runoff begins (in) and Ia = initial abstraction (in) Ia is all losses before runoff begins it includes: water retained in surface depressions, Water interception by vegetation Evaporation and infiltration. Ia was found to follow: Ia = 0.2*S Potential Maximum Retention S is related to the soil cover conditions of the watershed through the CN. CN has a range of 0 to 100 The ultimate total retention, S, and the initial abstraction, Ia, are assumed to be dependent on the following properties of the drainage basin: Land use Soil Type: A, B, C, D Soil group A – Well drained sand or gravel, high infiltration rate Soil group B – Moderately well drained soil, moderate infiltration rate, with fine to moderately coarse texture Soil group C – Slow infiltration rate, moderate to fine texture Soil group D – Very slow infiltration, mainly clay material, relatively impervious Hydrologic condition – good/fair/poor (rural land use only) Antecedent moisture condition (AMC) AMC I – Dry soil AMC II – Average soil moisture AMC III – Wet soil Example: Use the graphical solution curve to determine the 100-year, 24-hour depth of runoff for a basin with ?-ac lots on a B soil. Use the 100-y
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