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The role of culture 1. Language and local customs 2. Social organization, education and political structures 3. Weather conditions and geography 5.1. Language and local customs culture is a system of learned, shared, unifying, and interrelated beliefs, values, and assumptions. Successful international trade is dependent upon learning about and appreciating other cultures. Low-context cultures低语境文化: communicate directly, value words and interpret them literally, not concern about embarrassment High-context culture高语境文化: indirectly , little value to the literal meanings of words, embarrassment must be avoided 谈判风格的差异。按照霍尔语境理论,汉语和日语属于高语境文化(high-context culture),而英语则是低语境文化(low-context culture),在谈判中,西方人常常准备讨价还价。受思维定势的影响,西方人对充满逻辑的争辩情有独钟,为了达到目的,不惜工本,甚至使用一些语气强硬的语言,他们直言快语,惯于对抗,说话口气断然。而中国人则显得温和,不喜欢争辩,很少对抗,但对别人的行为常常不敢贸然相信,虽然灵活多变,但爱面子,重感情,重友情,不像西方人那样直率,说话间接隐晦,在对某些问题有看法或遇到不同意的条款时,常常用沉默或采取委婉迂回的方式进行表达。例如,Under the circumstance, we had better discuss the matter when the opportunity arises (既然如此,我们最好有机会的时候再商谈此事)。整个句子当中没有运用一个否定性质的词,但是非常委婉的表达拒绝现在讨论此项事宜的意思。 Cultural differences necessitate adjustment to other cultures. E.g. ethnocentrism民族优越感,民族中心主义: obstacle to conducting international business Cross-cultural experiences are very important. Success in business depends upon cultural sensitivity and a willingness to make the appropriate accommodations. Characteristics of culture: 1. not innate ,but learned 2. various facets of culture are interrelated 3. it is shared by the member of a group and defines the boundaries between different groups Main elements of culture: language, social norms, religion, ethics, socio economics, mores, traditions, societal regulations, nationalism, aesthetics, material culture, attitudes, values, social organization 5.1.1 language: a central element in culture and communication A language defines a culture. If a country has several spoken languages, it has several cultures. Language reflects the nature and values of society. 包装上使用文字的规定 希腊商业部规


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