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CDM 项目国内要求 national requirements of CDM Projects in China 介绍的主要内容Presentation Outline 管理办法简介 Brief introduction 审批程序 CDM approval and authority process 地方参与各方的基本要求 The local stakeholder process requirement 参与企业应该注意的问题 Other issues of the participants of CDM project in China 清洁发展机制项目运行管理暂行办法 Measures for Regulation on Operation and Management of CDM Projects in China 总则: General Rules 清洁发展机制项目运行管理暂行办法 Interim Measures for the Management of CDM Project Activities 清洁发展机制项目合作须经国务院有关部门批准 CDM project activities must be approved by relevant authorities under the State Council 重点领域以提高能效、开发利用新能源和可再生能源及回收利用甲烷和煤层气为主 Priorities are energy efficiency improvement, development and utilization of new and renewable energy, as well as recovery and utilization of methane and coal bed methane 清洁发展机制项目的实施应保证透明、高效和可追究的责任 Implementation of CDM project activities shall ensure transparent, efficient and traceable responsibilities 许可条件:Admission Requirements 符合中国的法律法规和可持续发展战略、政策,以及国民经济和社会发展规划的总体要求 CDM project activities shall conform to China’s laws and regulations, sustainability development strategy and policy, as well as the general requirements of national economic and social development 不能使中国承担《公约》和《议定书》规定之外的任何新的义务 No new obligation shall be resulted for China other than those under the Convention and the Protocol 发达国家缔约方用于项目的资金,应额外于现有的官方发展援助资金和其在《公约》下承担的资金义务 Funds from developed country Parties shall be additional to the current ODA and their funding obligations under the Convention 许可条件:Admission Requirements (contd.) 项目活动应促进有益于环境的技术转让 Project activity should promote the transfer of environmentally sound technology 中国境内的中资、中资控股企业可以对外开展CDM项目 Project developer shall be wholly China-owned or China-controlled enterprises 实施企业必须提交项目设计文件、企业资质状况证明文件及工程项目概况和筹资情况相关说明 The CDM project developer shall submit to the Designated National CDM Authority the CDM PDD, certificate of enterprise status, as well as general information of the construc


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