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微生物生物工程基本理论的探索 张 星 元 (无锡轻工大学生物工程学院 江苏无锡 214036) 摘要:工业发酵是微生物群体活动的动态过程。此过程靠如下三种流动来维系,即伴随能量形式的转换而发生的电子流动、伴随异化和同化作用而发生的物质流动以及伴随不同水平上的代谢调节而发生的信息流动。在分析以上三种流动的运行规律和工业发酵大量信息的基础上,运用归纳逻辑的方法提出了关于微生物生物工程的三个基本假说,即生物能支撑假说、代谢网络假说和细胞经济假说。如果这些假说成立,就有可能对工业发酵的微生物代谢进行导向。从而形成由三个假说和三个推理组成的微生物生物工程(工业发酵)基本理论。 关键词:生物能支撑假说;代谢网络假说;细胞经济假说;发酵原理;代谢工程;微生物生物工程 Explorations of Basic Theory of Microbial Biotechnology Zhang Xingyuan (School of Biotechnology, Wuxi University of Light Industry, Wuxi 214036, China) Abstract:Industrial fermentation is the processes in which microbial population functions. Those processes are supported and maintained by the three kinds of flows: the electron flows which operate along with energy-form transformation, the metabolite flows which operate along with dissimilation and assimilation, the information flows which operate along with the metabolic regulations in different levels. On the basis of the analysis of the operation rules of above three kinds of flows and the generalization of a great deal of information of industrial fermentation, the three basic hypothesis of industrial fermentation (microbial biotechnology) are developed as follows: the hypothesis of bioenergy support, the hypothesis of metabolic network, the hypothesis of cell economy. If those hypotheses are true, then the results of metabolic guidance for industrial fermentation should be predicted. The theory of industrial fermentation put forward in this paper consists of the three descriptive hypotheses and three predictions. Key words: the hypothesis of bioenergy support; the hypothesis of metabolic network;the hypothesis of cell economy; biological principles of Industrial fermentation;metabolic engineering;microbial biotechnology 0 引言: 随着生物化学、细胞生物学、应用分子生物学、遗传工程和代谢工程的发展,工业发酵正在发生一个从技艺到科学的重大变化,正在向微生物生物工程过渡。在生物工程受到广泛重视的今天,有必要把微生物(菌种选育)、工业微生物学过程(发酵工艺)和工业微生物学体系(生物反应器)作为一个整体,在科学的水平上对工业发酵进行重新审视。 1 工业发酵的基本模式 1.1 工业发酵理论研究的起点 认真观察当今



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