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柑橘栽培技术 Citriculture 中国农业专家组 刘俊 Chinese Agricultural Mission 柑橘(Citrus)起源于东南亚,有许多的种属,主要有橙子、葡萄柚、柠檬及可剥皮的种属。常绿小乔木或灌木,高约2m。小枝较细弱,无毛,通常有刺。叶长卵状披针形,长4~8cm。花黄白色,单生或簇生叶腋。果扁球形,径5~7cm,橙黄色或橙红色,果皮薄易剥离。春季开花,10~12月果熟。性喜温暖湿润气候。 Citrus originated from Southeast Asia, which has many varieties, mainly are orange, grapefruit, lemon and other peelable kinds. Small evergreen tree or shrub is about 2 meters tall; branchlets are slim, fragile and hairless, usually with thorns; long ovate-lanceolate leaves are about 4-8 centimeters; flowers are yellow-white, grow either solitary or in clusters at leaf axils. Fruits are oblate, 5-7 centimeters in diameter, which are orange-yellow or orange-red, with thin and peelable rind. This variety blooms in spring and bears in 10-12 months, which likes warm and moist climate. 园地选择 Garden alternation 柑橘园地要求土层深厚、排水透气良好、有机质丰富、灌溉方便、交通便利。丘陵、山地海拔高度在800米以下,坡度在25°以下。排水不良的低洼地,在5°以下的缓坡地、江河两岸建园时,必须注意排水。可利用自然屏障及大水体对气温的调节作用,在其周围建园。建园对于周围环境有较大的要求,要求生产的柑橘健壮无病虫害必须充分了解周边的空气质量、灌溉水质、土壤环境质量等等。 Citrus garden requires deep soil horizon, good drainage and ventilation condition, organic-rich, convenient irrigation and convenient transportation. Hills, mountains at an altitude lower than 800 meters, an ascent smaller than 25 degree are suitable for planting; good drainage systems are necessary for places like low-lying land, flat land at an ascent lower than 5 degree or both sides of rivers or lakes. It is available to build gardens by taking advantage of natural barriers and moderation that water acts on atmosphere. Building a good environment for the garden, to plant strong and disease-free citrus, must do survey of the surrounding air, irrigation water, and soil quality etc. 1.1栽植季节 Planting season 柑橘一般春季2月下旬至3月中旬春梢萌动前栽植。也可在秋季10~11月中旬栽植;春夏4~5月份春梢停止生长后至夏梢抽生前栽植成活率也高;容器育苗四季均可栽植。 The right season to plant citrus is late February to early March before the budding period of spring tip. Or during mid October or mid November in autumn; or April to May, from spring tip stop grow



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