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Module 7 Great books Unit 1 We’re still influenced by Confucius’s ideas. [教学目标] 1. 知识目标:能正确理解并使用下列单词及短语 = 1 \* ROMAN I 能正确使用下列单词和短语 discuss, thinker, wise, review, influence, sense, make sense, by the way, suppose, well-known = 2 \* ROMAN II 交际用语 1. What’s up? 2. Well, maybe… 3. I suppose… 4. Why don’t you…? 2. 技能目标:掌握一般现在时的被动语态的用法。 3.?通过对话学习,对孔子、莎士比亚、马克吐温这三位伟大的人物有基本的认识,在交流中鼓励不同层次的学生敢于发表自己的观点。 [教学重难点] 一般现在时的被动语态的用法 [教学过程] Step 1 Lead-in 标题导入: “Recently?I’ve?read?a?great?book?called?Romeo?and?Juliet。 I’m?deeply?moved?by? it.?Have?you?ever?read?some?great?books?”?随即将 “Great?books”呈现在黑板上,鼓励学生说出他们读过的名著。这里用学生们熟悉的话题导入新课,能够激发学生学习的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,更重要的是通过老师的表述,如运用重读、稍慢的语速等方式强调被动语态的句子,让学生们在真实的语境中感知被动语态。 Step 2 Listening 听activity1,展示三幅图片,问“Who?are?they??Do?you?know?something?about?them??Try?to?use?the?words?in?the?table?to?help?you.”,学生们两人一组描述图片,之后,听磁带看学生们的匹配是否与所听到的一致。 1. Ask the students to Look at the pictures. 2. Say who they are and why they are famous. 3. Play the recording and ask the students to listen carefully. 4. Now listen and check your answers. 5. Ask the students to check their answer with a partner. 6. Call back the answers from the whole class and check the answers. Step 3 Listening carefully 1. Ask the students to read through answer the sentences. 1) Confucius is well-known in _______________. 2) Shakespeare wrote ______________________. 3) Mark Twain’s stories are set __________________ of the US. 2. Play the recording and ask the students to listen carefully. 3. Listen and complete the sentences. 4. Ask the students to check their answer with a partner. 5. Call back the answers from the whole class and check the answers. 6. Now listen and check. Step 4 Listen and read (一)学生自主学习,理解activity 3的意思,找出不懂的地方。 (二)小组内合作解决不懂的地方,再有疑难,小组间共同解决,教师适时点拨。 1. Show some pictures, and ask the students to talk about them. 2. Ask the students to read the conversation silently. 3. Play the recording and ask the students to listen and read the conversation. 4. Read the convers


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