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Unit 3 I am more outgoing than my sister. 恶擒独旱承主感员扇焰汰壕滚航姜窜袋编忘变请幂韧封难质桅雹枪抗雏育SectionA2a-2cSectionA2a-2c Language Goals: Talk about personal traits; Compare people 靠戏露吝揩饿售绥驼享掂咬眨惩畦邵韵杭所辜辰边垣军戚乓阀雁洛蝗碟耻SectionA2a-2cSectionA2a-2c tall taller 1.88m 2.26m Yao Ming is taller than Liu Xiang. 型捂用平茫柞但剁晦悔怒擂怠垣拢简壮唬嘿料冀互哆就令赘咙厢豹求绿烟SectionA2a-2cSectionA2a-2c long hair longer hair Liu Yifei has longer hair than YangMi. hair 太著挟拟鸽欢涯梦缮溯饱立磊篆霸瘪嘛渐淌始蓟鞭酥堰全氦喜肋所拇堵肃SectionA2a-2cSectionA2a-2c Na Ying is thinner than Han Hong. Han Hong is heavier than Na Ying. ( fatter ) 紊巍采尾文艰瓣金谓鹏箕不肋捐运蝶敲痈叙炔溅呵肄述冗榴鸯胯咎桥并壕SectionA2a-2cSectionA2a-2c funny funnier Zhao Benshan is funnier than Xiao Shenyang. 姑遁莹摈肆欧瓦黎八倒盎惦赚恿憾蠢嚣缎芒坝裳断寒便表扣摇稽姑疏丰侍SectionA2a-2cSectionA2a-2c outgoing serious XieNa is more outgoing than Shui Junyi. Shui Junyi is more serious than XieNa . 勾岭镊糊邻刃摧硼巢妓盐码刹涵竞靳意亥谭脯牌饭侩邑鸯省看孺洼稻虱劝SectionA2a-2cSectionA2a-2c Jordan is tall. Yao Ming is taller Jordan 2.26m 1.98m than Jordan. Jordan is Yao Ming. shorter than 亨是课雕装运淮礼洁徽攘妻逞鸡臭虑韦奏凳嘎熟贝话掠辜作薛器础津订惟SectionA2a-2cSectionA2a-2c Liu Huan is heavy . Fei Mao is heavier 80kg 90kg than Liu Huan. pk Liu Huan is Fei Mao. thinner than 滔斯糕挑蛮造剂诀查徐孕其猫钱蠢分兵碾貌荚签孽剁乳汕衅机反喳檄粗维SectionA2a-2cSectionA2a-2c ¥3,800,000 ¥3,200,000 The white car is more expensive than the red car. The red car is cheaper than the white car. 卫闻阎馏鹿诡纵棋妙勉抨哗徒矣啦痢寄淀状渊佐闸兔阜喀驶肠屈编稍缩潞SectionA2a-2cSectionA2a-2c Lucy more outgoing outgoing Lily Lucy and Lily are twins. Lucy is outgoing, but Lily is more outgoing. Task4 卸内喷凸匀唾押九耻德陌崭习尉悄卡逻感屹梯计巨浸甸几娄潍屋桓涯稚室SectionA2a-2cSectionA2a-2c 2a Listen. Are the words in the box used with –( i)er or more? Complete the chart. funny (run) fast friendly (jump) high outgoing (work) hard hard- working (get up) early smart lazy 掠鞍酒搽嘉惋沙讹诗曾宫溜稍漾深惮盖访闯劝棋搞舰彻铺韦悲苛窗念乾段SectionA2a-2cSectionA2a-2c -er \ -ier more friendly Outgoing funny smart lazy (run) fast (jump) hi


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