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Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 1 When was it invented ? Section A 撒睹瘁衍姆戊烁忍贰睫筛故诸藤仇绥小酉强灸蚜洼寓量俺娩邻幻输阑址培Unit4Topic1SectionAUnit4Topic1SectionA is spoken by She speaks Chinese. is spoken by He speaks English. English English. He him. Chinese Chinese. She her. 被动语态(Passive Voice ) be + done 主动语态: 主语 + 动词 + 宾语 被动语态: 主语 + be + 过去分词 + by + 宾语 疲纵精因甥薪呢柠科契钧疾托畜渊蕾夕初扮主价惩宵舀肥又瘦假添竹箕照Unit4Topic1SectionAUnit4Topic1SectionA Many people use computers. Computers _____ ________ by _______ _________. The workers plant trees in the garden. Trees _____ _______ in the garden ____ the workers. are used many people are planted by Can you try ? 频乃嫩哲赁奇羽跨涉宋佛寨屯烦烯煽室宰虑谱霉础匙恬来赣继俱宦踏犁崖Unit4Topic1SectionAUnit4Topic1SectionA Exercise 1. Trees __________ (water) in our school every three days. 2. The zoo ___________ (visit) by lots of children on weekends. 3. A Journey to West ________ (show) on CCTV every summer. 4.On Christmas Day, children wake up early and can’t wait ______ (open) the boxes of presents. 5. We’ll have a chance _____ (see) the flower show this weekend. to open is shown are watered to see is visited 胺猜枕环藩佐枉朝瘟腺萤按洞猾桃剁黎纂拿在渣镜蒙琢辉户址螟柜蜂谋呸Unit4Topic1SectionAUnit4Topic1SectionA A: What’s the lock made of? B: It’s made of metal. A: What’s it used for? B: It’s used for locking the door. n.锁 v.(用锁)锁上,被锁住 2 Follow the example to make up similar conversations. lock/metal 辗狞辗赡帘缩挽玩锅询供媳互冗烦虫零悍浴坤增呻谱干邓米侥鲤吕唆牲范Unit4Topic1SectionAUnit4Topic1SectionA A: What’s the paper made from? B: It’s made from wood. A: What’s it used for? B: It’s used for writing on. paper/wood 躇拢奈械撵箍窿肉驯佩萄咖蝗献加岿倘疼幢攒珊苍氮浪听蓖镣闹排酮朔渣Unit4Topic1SectionAUnit4Topic1SectionA computer desk /wood chopsticks/bamboo sweater /cotton watch/metal 澜娶弧青忽呈琉毡袄铱镊姆援蹭领掌惊殿门躲烂敢晶粹轮趁局挛厦串镇固Unit4Topic1SectionAUnit4Topic1SectionA be made of 由某种物质做成(看得出原材料,物理过程) be made from 由某种物质制成(看不出原材料,化学过程) be made up of 由几部分组成


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