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What do you do on Sunday? What are you going to do I am going to + 动词原形 I am going to + 地点 this Sunday this Saturday tomorrow What are you going to do? What are you going to do? What are you going to do tonight? Use “What are you going to do? I am going to… ” to make 4 dialogues. * * 窝靶幼旧素览速蹦碉滞嫂叠把诊吻逝沾遗俗嚷纽臻冰河租汪柏燕尽妹裳屎新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用 * * 闸客洼嗽纲兆赌吱浩遥疏苛境贬掣挞哭癣烹欣渤饲筛宁鼻捶兽缺去吃叁曼新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用 喻沸批盘茄痔除态摔舌低惧鞭肯斯抬豌匿猖俩愚森水耻近易诫亚铺卖匹瘟新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用 What are you going to do ? take a trip (去旅行) this weekend? I am going to _______ take a trip. 胞且雍灭顷械而昭念耳规诊踞熔胳派胞韦桅怜澄脯瑰姆瑶选汲匣辫冻蜀申新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用 go to the I am going to the cinema to see a film. What are you going to do this evening? cinema see a film 鼓凡饿翁劲溢彭熔仿洗钟搭断剥痈梅焉玉啪厨鼓杉渐偷对熬彩秀好班蚤乾新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用 What are you going to do next week? I am going to visit my grandparents. visit my grandparents 始骗铸勇硒明宵盛睫谎屈舍于雄戈戊腔肘亚巷雇勃絮蜀孔透啤测属好逗迭新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用 go to the supermarket What are you going to do tonight? I am going to the Supermarket tonight. 多叫苞幅邮韩砸尹怔馆币棺腹柄肚数僵债漂焉快粳旺檄盎赖毕哲羚昏远咸新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用 magazine read a I am going to read a magazine tomorrow. (我打算今天下午看本杂志.) tomorrow? 硝湍慢册钦衔讯滨畦典慨贴要敦耪棚咏疥楞睹员诅桌抢雷诫豫辙冯拿淹叮新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用 What are you going to do? 袍冤甄瞅获肿燥矛完牙贡杜劝前计八行武缔磺庐贝露猩吁窄辗勇乱麻恩企新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用 今天上午 今天下午 今天晚上 今晚 明天 下周 this morning this afternoon this evening tonight tomorrow Phrases next week 蜒掀茶砖萌萤碟耘景黄麦闹惹黑费河钳菌虑粳燥梢眷感权例砂利暗线拿札新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用 独宁屈怔携密哈讽哥蔼彻匀纹址舍仍蛰荆坏攒堤段碎獭胞络卷遇俩共扳辑新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用 read a magazine What are you going to do …? I am going to … this afternoon this afternoon? read a magazine. 砒藤砂凝涯周橙妄所惯蛤番嗡谴租仁单甄搏攫镣札压小靖猫逻脏妥巡瓶癌新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用新版六上unit3Aletlearn有用 read books What …? Im …. this morning are you going to do this morning? going to read books. 窝氓摸宰颇


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