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学号: 常 州 大 学 毕业设计(论文) (2015届) 题 目 酒石酸溶解度和结晶介稳区的研究 学 生 张勇超 学 院 石油化工学院 专 业 班 级 化工114 校内指导教师 冷一欣 专业技术职务 教授 二一五年六月 酒石酸溶解度和结晶介稳区的研究 摘 要: 根据溶解度和结晶介稳区宽度这两种物理性质可以为结晶过程控制最优的操作条件、设计最合理的生产设备。本文用静态法测定了在25-55 °C的温度范围内,L-酒石酸在水、乙醇以及不同比例的乙醇-水混合溶剂中的溶解度与超溶解度,得到了L-酒石酸在水和乙醇-水混合溶剂中的结晶介稳区,并推算出表观成核级数mm值在文中表出),得出成核速率方程。采用λh方程Apelblat和CNIBS/R-K关联方程拟合了溶解度数据关联方程。L-酒石酸的溶解过程进行了热力学分析结果表明,L-酒石酸在溶剂中的溶解过程为吸热过程,并非自发进行 研究过程中用最大过冷度ΔT max表示介稳区宽度,并利用激光法考察了温度、溶剂组成、降温速率、搅拌速率等因素对结晶介稳区宽度的影响。研究结果表明:L-酒石酸的溶解度随着温度的升高而增大,随着乙醇质量分数的增大而减小。在一定条件下,L-酒石酸介稳区宽度随溶液温度的升高和搅拌速率的增大而变窄;随乙醇含量和降温速率的增大而变宽。 关键词: L-酒石酸;溶解度;介稳区;超溶解度 Determination of Solubility and Metastable Zone Width for Tartaric Acid Abstract: Solubility and metastable zone width is the two important physical properties for crystallization process, which can provide the optimum operating conditions for crystallization process, and design the most reasonable production equipment. In this study, the solubility and supersolubility of L-tartaric acid in water, ethanol and ethanol-water mixtures was determined by a static analytical technology at temperatures ranging from 25 to 55 °C, and calculated the apparent nucleation series m, the nucleation rate equation was given. The measured solubility data was correlated by λh, the modified Apelblat and CNIBS/R-K equations. The 104RMSD values of three equations were observed in the range of 3.008-14.641 for the λh equation, 1.505-11.497 for the modified Apelblat equation and 4.044 -7.510 for the CNIBS/R-K equation, respectively. This result demonstrates that the calculated solubility of L-tartaric acid in solvent mixtures agree well with experimental data, and the CNIBS/R-K equation correlates the solubility data best owing to its lowest value of the 104RMSD. The thermodynamics analysis of L - tartaric acid in the dissolution process demonstrates that the enthalpy to the Gibbs f


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