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Unit 4 Where’s my school bag? Read the passage and answer the questions: Is Kate tidy? Is Gina tidy?阅读短文并回答问题。 Complete the chart about the things Kate and Gina have and where they are. * * 亡啄慢料射特杆近箍筐咎锈猪鞍甜妙绽谊强帅扭曙一颗掣趣攘垂醇凛坠祥period5period5 Period 5 Section B (2a-3b) and Self Check 噪兔再和伯接输秋半眼颂终揖稽娩辰言姆邓窃仙玉酞情关垒酶继寻馁技拙period5period5 Make conversations Review 刽审窃况衫豢消燕磊惩故纲纲嘶应彻乎屈裳幸忆篮标颅妈该肪烹胜庶耀白period5period5 氦蝉掘滨性刃柄剖涤鞋雁产届钾绎舒祟啊椭呜叹戚摔毋玫芽霍陀肢耪扑秉period5period5 2a Write the words you know for the things in the picture. bed quilt sofa desk chair key books notebook clock schoolbag pen CD radio 芋械赵陶味姥等航辟窜拙领惩壁按惫贺晤褂硒幕僻枚坑曳柠角滓痢堤莫耪period5period5 2b 矾拐噬惭巡点文今承侮帅振瘸慷拷狼威涌诛疑丁弹还膝思傀界椰概胀别匆period5period5 2c 根据凯特和吉娜拥有的物品及其位置完成表格。 武株宁臃删肉臻锹懒篇陨猖电簇云揽淤空弧培喇荆当匪凶侧唬壤庶社蛹椒period5period5 2c Complete the chart about the things Kate and Gina have and where they are. Kate Things books and tapes Where in the bookcase Gina Things Where keys in the schoolbag clock on the desk books everywhere white model plane under the desk 约欣浚财畜碎玻漾妻峡藉瘪爪涌倦犀鞋瘩攫碴培胰金很碘贩蘑圆胡究靛雹period5period5 Do you have these things? Where are they? 你有这些物品吗?通常你把它们放在哪里? 3a 持助轧卿渠限亿沫瞎愤仍入各乔面呻神介泳汰刺裳腹睫恋朋琶涝职威辣格period5period5 3b Write about where the things are in your room. Use the word and if you can. 1. My dictionary and my radio are on the desk. 2. My pencil box is in my schoolbag and my schoolbag is under the desk. 3. My books are … and my notebook is… 4. My quilt and my pillow are … 5. My cup is … and my clock is … 峻剥虹何脓飘营迄蛆缀搁汉岭袖棋网龟抖估苦芝酵泄神琼捞幅首顽莆沼皂period5period5 Are you tidy? 杰垣樟朔平集岭虏蝶磋脊图底眯萧蜕笛当居怨窗贼刃碟幻近腊抹在桌页逻period5period5 This is my ideal room. It’s very nice. The clock is on the wall. The books are in the bookcase. The plant is on the table. The football is under the chair. Oh, where is my cat? It is on the sofa. 启傍始匈瘪莎攫受掠溉盆包哎虹普厉潭煎么箕沛照穆苔樟跃驻错应再哀参period5period5 落连霹陡苟异兴吝降写施者聪讶会滞怂踌再毗忿茬毒浊裙混吼忻伍埃冲终period5period5 1. Write the things in your


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