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2. She likes singing and playing the guitar. She acts in different movies. 1. People come to see him when they are sick. What do they do? a doctor an actress 工械过命原长以扩招凄炕盯赐饥允舰呜碧粗畸出椽忿摧姓段惕旺与磋释蔡SectionAGrammarfocus-3c修订版 a basketball player 3. He likes sports and he practices basketball every day. 4.He is good at computers science. And he can design many new programs. a computerprogrammer 楔汗铭致官俏顶阉距噶火肌药强滦价艳华框雕请公犯项诌例轰尔虾榔枯凿SectionAGrammarfocus-3c修订版 5. He work in restaurant, he can cook delicious food for people. a cook a pilot 6. He likes to take a plane and travel all over the world. 畸裳武蚕帕蜗炔奄肩娟晨精美将骆鸣右训裙卜趋流粥矩领驰滑塞扔比窥彪SectionAGrammarfocus-3c修订版 翼权沮抓爽繁由鹅租兽蜀疏则权皋臆愚伯埠割校寨账潮糠赁慌耽娥废镑眩SectionAGrammarfocus-3c修订版 1. be going to + v.(be ging to do sth.) 表示即将发生的事或最近打算进行的动作。表示说话者的意图、推测和打算。 2. 她打算将来搬到上海。 1. 我打算下个月去北京参观。 I’m going to visit Beijing next year. She’s going to move to Shanghai. 涸欢劲豌酿眼匝阉仙她赋拘膜状冲氧各幽娥忻腻瞪菩摧板讨葛效逢炭靶入SectionAGrammarfocus-3c修订版 2. want to be+职业 表示“想成为一名……” e.g. 我长大了要当一名医生。 I want to be a doctor when I grow up. 傍笼墒基壤孟谗症樟该案寺错放滴健戳累超白灵拄究昂厌苦挤伍骇禹乎袭SectionAGrammarfocus-3c修订版 1. 你长大后,你想做什么? What do you want ____ ___ when you __________? 2. 我想成为一名工程师。 I want to ____ ___ _________. 3. 你打算如何做? How _____ you _____ to ____ that? 4. 我打算非常努力地学习数学。 I’m ______ _____ ______ _____ really hard. grow up to be be an engineer are going do 根据课本内容,完成下列句子。 going to study math 资俱睦侦桔辗浑诅婿扑尺腆禽尽勾加组怎战蜗呜洁加绿畅傲嚼部蜗凋著骗SectionAGrammarfocus-3c修订版 5. 你想去哪里工作? ______ ______ you going to work? 6. 我打算搬到上海。 I’m ______ _____ ______ to Shanghai. 7. 你打算从什么时候开始? When _____ you ______ to _____? 8. 我打算读完中学和大学后开始。 I’m going to _____ ______ I _____ high school and _______. Where are going to move are going start start when finish college 寂何萤研掸涛剑皮饿瞻伏忿巫凳鄂蓬贝亏箕掐剐坊芍租诈甩捌湛焚探制椒SectionAGrammarfocus-3c修订版 3a Match wh


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