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You’re supposed to shake hands Unit12 Period 2 sectionA 3a-4 胚寿极沏狂埋完懈弧猾铃谆膀少同客凑此问一疵振愉毅蓑贷董鸯四撬鸣趾unit12第二课时unit12第二课时 Talk about the differences between customs of Colombia and Switzerland. 慢捅誓灭叠哀檄澜蚌阵叭箭探闻仪邪类况纵苯抗驯甸庇坠林皑亥髓撩泉揍unit12第二课时unit12第二课时 What are people in …… supposed to do when they meet for the first time? 凤湿蜗伎役苗黔邀憾镭锥悼览沟灌袒华谆带衔肢似切掠晕趁伺旺死巳韩吵unit12第二课时unit12第二课时 3a.Read the following opinions of a Colombian and a Swiss student. Colombia Switzerland a Colombian student a Swiss student 源孪对依流沈喷亡逾肩抢囚荆辱好桂跋媚丙棵设蚤昔励乳耪辛蓉戎惮诈敞unit12第二课时unit12第二课时 2017-4-11 Where I’m from , we’re pretty relaxed about time . If you tell a friend you’re going to their house for dinner , it’s okay if you arrive a bit late . Spending time with family and friends is very important to us . We often just drop by our friends’ homes . We don’t usually have to make plans to meet our friends . Often we just walk around the town center , seeing as many of our friends as we can! Read the following passage , and fill in the chart: In Switzerland, it’s very important to be on time . We’re the land of watches, after all! If someone invites you to meet them at 4:00,you have to be there at 4:00.If you’re even fifteen minutes late , your friend may get angry .Also , we never visit a friend’s house without calling first . We usually make plans to see friends . We usually plan to do something interesting, or go somewhere together. 岁靴宦吟践错李低柔段堰编音瓮压猎损滁泵矢在跪轨鹅吝姆肇梗桶杜桥肠unit12第二课时unit12第二课时 Attitude about Colombia being on time visiting a friend’s house making plans with friends relaxed about time. drop by our friends’ homes. don’t have to make plans Read and fill in the chart 闹抵童凉滨堑辣璃帖卑尾权铅贵饭恃牟巨寿不垢福埃日酞瘦诀季枝纵哉查unit12第二课时unit12第二课时 Attitude about Switzerland being on time visiting a friend’s house making plans with friends to be on time. never visit a friend’s house without calling first. usually make plans to meet friends. 恭硕须阔隅招自仓锣定洽顿鹰速饶距飞嚣矫西苏唾诅脚啄狗例范元介稠靡unit12第二课时unit12第二课时 2017-


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