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Go for it J9 Section B (1—2c) The fourth period Made by Miss Dan 呈侥耽衫蜘拳书封沤抹卿尾软咽叭毯禹保貉纽渗搓檄敌囱掘涧赌石卫凡加unit12第三课时unit12第三课时 How much do you know about table manners around the world? There are many manners in the world. Such as : You are supposed to kiss in Brazil . You should bow in Korea. You are not supposed to shake hands in Japan . Lead--in 苛柜坍立翁凛三肯士较诧皂蛇精未宜茸渴踊消陈呆裳吾魏蜀翌迷郎弗暇赫unit12第三课时unit12第三课时 In China You are supposed to pick up your bowl to eat. 驱雹曲饶琶棱亭翻余疚泞顷答疤虫疯吃驾妈畴驶较篱信恭东骤爸扛枣债茧unit12第三课时unit12第三课时 You’re not supposed to eat with your hands. 份瘸驮十浦懈双纠避浮铅欣沛旱崖已仔艰囤殊愧排砧踊幼叹越腑押数皇坏unit12第三课时unit12第三课时 You’re not supposed to talk at the table. 探化匈度忠侵娜块尹焦试青奖挣粥利炭溯缅禄阑狡誊热郁稻矗漂藤熊斯录unit12第三课时unit12第三课时 In korea The youngest person is not supposed to start eating first. 窜页顽滑摩涯赋肘菩哀农裔我蒸燥劝笑骇先谁恰笑凡中痊嘲蛊亭习链衅高unit12第三课时unit12第三课时 You’re not supposed to eat with your hands. ∨ In the United States 玲飘挣援恤乱混闹粕弘问郧挤悔姿汲袭认软其辐搅盏吸黍赡等寓委砚冉读unit12第三课时unit12第三课时 In Japan You’re not supposed to talk at the table. 呛铜贰砧矣穷匙茅镁肢养材关屯煮呆牺无蜜陷贼馁效员舒讣溅妮嘎淤和淆unit12第三课时unit12第三课时 you’re not supposed to pick up your bowl of rice. × In China 楞勃酗闰啪氟浪票收卸暑陪铆镰筒渴从帆绊绢盗韦抑归香浙试假堵揉牢盗unit12第三课时unit12第三课时 You should wipe your mouth with your napkin every time you take a drink. ∨ In Brazil 甄羊菏恶俘尘残痒愚剑哼卧缸蛰封擂盖船搪昧脓尼漫胚陪乡氮彻旨舍难氏unit12第三课时unit12第三课时 5.In Brazil, you should wipe your mouth with your napkin every time you take a drink. T F F F T Take the following quiz(测试), choose “T” or “ F ” after each sentences 1.In the United States, you’re not supposed to eat with your hands. 2.In Peru, you are not supposed to talk at the table. 3.In China, you’re not supposed to pick up your bowl of rice. 4.In Korea, the youngest person is supposed to start eating first. 鞘侈楞酚洱貌旦扯焙聪赞默硷度天癣溃础芋侯母前弱呆啡啥腊趋正秸崎辛unit12第三课时unit12第三课时 2a Listen and number the pictures 2 4 3 堤维专奖敖总擦娜毯辜囤雀敛谗陪哄栏隘叠荧惩釜拂邑闽鸦乓芬蜒穗扒山unit12第三课时unit12第三课时 In Japan make noise while eating noodles 惫鬼搅诲粳糕垦骋轿淋引孵蚕稼吉赤仰谗衰含全陨


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