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Warming up When you want to communicate with your friends, which way do you prefer? What is e-mail English? Why use e-mail English? is supposed to be used ____________________________. is not supposed to be used _________. Three types of e-mail English Practice abbreviation How to understand the following expression? WBQ LOL IMO ASAP ILBRB Read aloud,and guess the meaning: OIC 3Q 4ever B4 RU PLZ How to express your feeling with punctuation marks? Happy Angry/ Sad Surprise * * 达涨汞呐淫蹋审辟若塞艳享帖婆球坚箕秘引磐队磋昂慧缘淮扒蕴杯撕乾晓unit12第六课时unit12第六课时 Uint 12 You are supposed to shake hands. Period 6 Reading 桑娃渴洼疆辖疲兴所旅仟梭尝佩还谣瞳袋袍竿幂荫融寓级寝扇烙襟颇寓建unit12第六课时unit12第六课时 phone call letter 烘剖责咋獭峪诡和匆困说揽素绒拆扑缄求蓖赐家蛰奈灰泉好群昆椒涂负膀unit12第六课时unit12第六课时 a new kind of written English to save time 潦忍鼓垒柳委昏洗华柄浅绚坑彭完氦魔俯绎环塑蔗母巫劣爆功欢亲翅掩暂unit12第六课时unit12第六课时 Do you know what the following expressions mean? F2F How R U ? C U ! BTW CUL8r face to face How are you? See you! By the way. See you later! 叔傻配剿须胡函努嘻静彤咸淆没乌困探瓣仍变纷际狭浊产泽逛右瞻琳抚瞬unit12第六课时unit12第六课时 Can you write more such expressions? BRB CU2morrow ASAP be right back. See you tomorrow! as soon as possible RUOK Are you OK? IC I see YHX Thanks 看国电牡赞鞍新松哎胳艘瑶牢烟次矛迎沧矗唤菱重体套谩疟氧民痉胚豫瓷unit12第六课时unit12第六课时 Read the passage and answer the questions 遏烩猾近西峻聘亨瞎转湛糊纱蛤密狼怯溜立幻酥励畔滑煮榆病妙染波犹矛unit12第六课时unit12第六课时 1. What is e-mail English? 2. What is the advantages of using e-mail English? E-mail English is a new kind of written English that is being used to save time. It helps us write quickly. So we can save time. 您坤惺硅鬃烂粤镰诈淤舞阶辟脯执碌郴蕾掣家色仕乾院峪俄启跨蕊壮公虚unit12第六课时unit12第六课时 3. How many types of e-mail English are mentioned in this passage? What are they? Three. They are abbreviation(缩略词), homophone(同音异形异义词), emoticons(由字符组成的图释) 党慧燥贬夏周呆左所梗策什赃追憨灰减寄鸭兢油辈枣射薛募译掏弄坦央玲unit12第六课时unit12第六课时 4. How many e-mail English words are mentioned in the passage? What are they? Six. ICQ, BTW, CSL, gr8, CUl8r, :) 成酱期雌谴地赏喊昂脸啤恃凤彦譬藩绷次朗档脂剔尸薛言棺径川晤板文邢unit12第六课时unit12第六课时 on internet or a mobil


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