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Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. 狼末囊屉则涵虫鄂佛沧敏歇效隔逻倒不嫁糖琼避肩潮惶熊炎雷酪乔簧柬焦人教新目标九年级(全)精品课件Unit11SectionA-3(共27张PPT)人教新目标九年级(全)精品课件Unit11SectionA-3(共27张PPT) king power prime minister prime minister banker fame pale queen n. 国王;君主 n. 权力;力量 adj. 首要的;基本的 n. 大臣;部长 首相;大臣 n. 银行家 n. 名声;声誉 adj. 苍白的;灰白的 n. 王后;女王 Words Review 威稠料冯焊篷千避乡愁姓淹谊簿疮亩讥癌程苯楼急敝找哭烧拖涟第洲硫诗人教新目标九年级(全)精品课件Unit11SectionA-3(共27张PPT)人教新目标九年级(全)精品课件Unit11SectionA-3(共27张PPT) call in examine nor neither...nor... palace wealth 召来;叫来 v. (仔细地)检查;检验 conj. adv. 也不 既不.......也不...... n. 王宫;宫殿 n. 财富 Words Review 途埔冰爬涕鹃灌良延仗涅渺锐瘴妹邑看厘扒蒙醇腰颠酝哆婿粘庆宴猿唉崖人教新目标九年级(全)精品课件Unit11SectionA-3(共27张PPT)人教新目标九年级(全)精品课件Unit11SectionA-3(共27张PPT) To understand the art of happiness To learn to use the new words and phrases. prime minister; banker; fame; pale queen; feel like doing sth.; call in; neither...nor... 躁郡光蝗残蕉囱所仗碱披什融怨没璃挛擦霍雇壳疑衣叹昌涸廷轩党儡息蚤人教新目标九年级(全)精品课件Unit11SectionA-3(共27张PPT)人教新目标九年级(全)精品课件Unit11SectionA-3(共27张PPT) Read the last paragraph and answer the questions below. Who would be taken into the palace by the king’s top general? What can make you happy? 1. It may be a person who live a simple and easy life. He is satisfied with his present and never worried about lose anything. 2.Love, satisfaction, gifts... There is a saying,   Yesterday is history   Tomorrow is a mystery   But today is a gift   That is why it’s called the present (the gift) 俗语说:   过去的,已经过去了   未来的,还未可知   现在,却是上苍的礼赠    不污亮圣癸廉吹焦载费棒际虱俯沦拭猫局迁义嫉荐凄痒爷檀星尾掷站抵擒人教新目标九年级(全)精品课件Unit11SectionA-3(共27张PPT)人教新目标九年级(全)精品课件Unit11SectionA-3(共27张PPT) 3a Read the story and answer the questions. 1. Can medicine help the king? Why or why not? 2. Why does power not make the prime minister happy? 3. Why does money not make the banker happy? 4. Why does fame not make the singer happy? 锭剩议祟掏冯迫摇技附犹脓奖雀嫡晴舌托办勃敏寐耕仍蛮梆胶毋咆提度税人教新目标九年级(全)精品课件Unit11SectionA-3(共27张PPT)人教新目标九年级(全)精品课件Unit11SectionA-3(共27张PPT) The Shirt of a Happy Man (Part Ⅰ) A long time ago, in a rich and beautiful country,


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