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毕业设计(论文) 课题名称 贾樟柯电影边缘化人物研究 学 院 文学院 专 业 戏剧影视文学 班 级 2012级1班 学 号 1221140126 姓 名 彭博 指导老师 刘莉 2016 年 5 月 摘 要 贾樟柯,作为中国少数能够在国际上发声的导演,其执导影片大多偏向于揭露社会真实面貌,而这正是大多影评人所看重的。贾樟柯曾多次获得戛纳电影节奖项,在国际上享有一定声誉。而作为中国第六代导演中的一员,其作品在关注边缘化群体上也做出了许多贡献。本文对贾樟柯几部知名度较高的电影进行研究,通过影片扮演者的自述以及影片所传达的理念对片中人物进行分析,对贾樟柯执导电影的人物群体指向、人物形象刻画、边缘化人物本质以及其作品中所展现出的现实主义元素和深度的人文关怀进行研究。 本文分为三章,第一章,首先对贾樟柯执导影片中的边缘化人物进行介绍,以及分析贾樟柯眼中的边缘化人物,最后从贾樟柯的家庭、教育等方面分析贾樟柯为什么把关注点放在边缘化人群身上;第二章,重点分析贾樟柯电影中人物特点较为突出的边缘化人物,以及挖掘潜藏在人性之下的劣根性;第三章,列出贾樟柯电影中较为突出的现实主义元素,分析贾樟柯电影中塑造边缘化人物时,现实主义元素产生的作用以及其中的人文关怀。 关键词:贾樟柯 第六代导演 边缘化 Jia zhangkes Film Marginalized Characters Study ABSTRACT Jia Zhangke, as Chinese minority to the vocal director, the director of the film tend to favor to expose the true face of the society, and this is most critics valued. Jia Zhangke has won several prizes at the Cannes Film Festival, in the world enjoy a certain reputation. And as a member of the sixth generation of directors of China, his works in attention to marginalized groups also made many contributions. The film of Jia Zhangke several high-profile research, through the film play of narration, the film conveys the idea of the characters in the film are analyzed. For Jia Zhangkes directed film the character groups pointing, portray characters, marginalized personage essence and its humanistic care products show elements of realism and depth were studied. This paper is divided into three chapters, first chapter, first of Jia Zhangke directed film marginalized characters were introduced, and analysis of Jia Zhangke in the eyes of the marginalized characters. Finally, from Jia Zhangkes family and education analysis Jia Zhangke why focus on marginalized people;


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