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三 霉菌的培养特征 液体培养时的特征 如果是静止培养,霉菌往往在表面生长,液面上形成菌膜。 如果是震荡培养,菌丝优势互相缠绕在一起形成菌丝球,菌丝球可能均匀地悬浮在培养液中或沉于培养液底部。 菌落特征辨别: 大小:直径、mm 形态:圆形、不规则形 边缘:整齐、不整齐 表面:光滑、粘液状、粗糙 隆起度:隆起,扁平状 颜色:无色、其它颜色 透明度:透明、不透明 细菌菌落 青霉 黑曲霉 毛霉 黄曲霉 霉菌菌落特征: 菌落大、疏松、干燥、不透明; 绒毛状、絮状或网状等; 菌落中心和边缘颜色不同; 呈现红、黄、绿、青绿、青灰、黑、白、灰等多种颜色。 代表属 菌丝类型 无性孢子 有性孢子 作用 毛霉属 无隔菌丝 孢囊孢子 接合孢子 制腐乳、豆豉;引起果蔬、淀粉类食品霉腐 根霉属 酿酒;引起果蔬类等食品霉腐 绵霉属 卵孢子 引起水产动物肤霉病 水霉属 引起水产动物肤霉病 青霉属 有隔菌丝 分生孢子 引起食品、果蔬、皮革、光学仪器霉腐,代谢产物生产抗生素 曲霉属 子囊孢子 制酱、酒、醋、酶制剂;引起果蔬、谷物霉腐,黄曲霉致癌 木霉属 分解纤维素、木质素 镰刀霉属 除水中氰化物;引起鱼虾鳃病 课后思考题 酵母菌、霉菌和细菌在形态结构上主要有哪些异同? 举例说明酵母菌和霉菌的主要繁殖方式。 * * * * * * * * * * * * 由气生菌丝顶端分化成特殊囊状结构—孢子囊(sporangium)形成的孢子。 产生孢子囊的菌丝称孢囊梗(sporangiophore) 1、孢囊孢子 由于生于孢子囊内,又叫内生孢子。 它是由气生菌丝顶端膨大形成特殊囊状结构—孢子囊,孢子囊逐渐长大,在囊中形成许多核,每一个核外包以原生质并产生细胞壁,形成孢囊孢子。带有孢子囊的梗称孢子囊梗,孢子囊梗伸入到孢子囊中的部分叫囊轴或中轴。孢子囊成熟后释放出孢子。例藻状菌纲毛霉目及水霉目一些属以这种方式繁殖. Zygomycete Asexual Reproduction Zygomycete fungal mycelium is coenocytic. At the onset of sporulation large amounts of aerial hyphae are produced. The tips of these aerial hyphae fill with cytoplasmic contents, and the nuclei undergo repeated mitosis. Around each of the nuclei cytoplasm and organelles collect, and by the formation of copious vesicles from the Golgi, each nucleus becomes isolated from the next by a plasma membrane. Within the spaces created by this cytoplasmic cleavage, spore walls begin to form, again by the fusion of Golgi vesicles containing cell wall monomers and enzymes with the spore membrane. A sporangium forms. As these events occur so there is considerable water uptake by the forming sporangium, and as the columella forms the structure comes under considerable turgor pressure. The large sporangia can contain up to 100,000 spores (Fig 3). ★This diagram is redrawn from Brackers original and shows the development of a sporangium through time. As nuclei undergo repeated mitosis so the Golgi produces membrane bound vesicles filled with spore wall building materials. These coalesce around the nuclei to form a spore. Eventually they are released. ★Not all