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第五章 微生物与食品 第一节 微生物在食品中的应用 第二节 微生物与食品添加剂 第三节 微生物与酶 第四节 微生物与油脂 第五节 微生物与功能性食品 第一节 微生物在食品中的应用 一、食品成分 二、发酵食品 三、微生物食品 一 食品成分 (1)维生素 B、C、D、E、A (2)主要是来自微生物细胞色素和风味物质,如内酯、酯、丙酮、吡嗪、薄荷醇、双乙酰、萜,挥发性脂肪酸。 食品风味 风味酶的来源 (1)食品原料的酶 (2)接种微生物产生的酶 (3)污染微生物产生的酶 (4)酶的食品添加剂 微生物产生的风味酶 1.β-半乳糖苷酶:又称乳糖酶(lactase ) 2.蛋白质分解酶(Flavourzyme) 3.脂肪分解酶(Palatase) 4.风味修饰蛋白(TMP) 二 发酵食品 传统的发酵食品:啤酒、白酒、果酒、面包、酸奶、奶酪、香肠、酱油、食醋、泡黄瓜 。 The dream of industrial microbiology is to convert something abundant and cheap into a valuable product. Microbiologists might differ about the ideal product but not the ideal substrate. They all agree that cellulose—the major component of plant cell walls is the world`s most abundant organic compound and probably the cheapest. But only microorganisms can use cellulose as a substrate. Only they can convert it into something useful. The cow are mobile factories that use microorganisms to convert cellulose into valuable products—milk and meat. They gather their own cellulose as grass and other forage. They chew it into small bits which flow into the rumen. The rumen teems with bacteria and protozoa. They—not the cow itself—use cellulose as a nutrient. The cow gets its nutrients from the microbial cells and their fermentation products. These come out of the rumen and enter the cow`s intestines, where they are digested and absorbed. In other words, the rumen is a fermenter that converts ceelulose into food the cow can use. Cows and other ruminants have achieved the goal that still tantalizes industrial microbiologists. They convert cellulose into valuable products. 酵母菌(“酒化酶”) 2.1 酒精发酵: 淀粉质原料 十 曲(含“糖化酶”) → 糖化 → 葡萄糖 发酵为酒精。 制曲方法不同,酒精发酵方法也随之不同,常用的有:液体曲糖化法、根霉糖化法(Amylo法)、麸曲糖化法(固体曲)、加酶糖化法和麦芽糖化法等。目前国内以液体曲糖化法为主,以黑曲霉培养的液体曲作为淀粉质原料的糖化剂。 供人饮用的、乙醇含量在0.5%~65%(体积分数,V/V)的饮品,包括各种发酵酒、蒸馏酒、配制酒。 发酵酒是以谷物、水果、乳类等为原料,主要经 “谷物 → 糖化酶糖化→酵母酒化” 或“无需将原料糖化而直接经酵母发酵”等工艺而制得。酒精含量小于24% (V/V) 的饮料酒,主要是啤酒、果酒、黄酒、乳酒和低度白酒等5类。 发酵机理



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