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佳吉快运物流成本控制途径分析 内容摘要:随着我国经济社会的发展,人们的生活习惯也在发生着改变,社会中的商品的流通也越来越频繁。特别是近些年电子商务的高速发展,彻底的改变了人们的生活习惯,从最开始一小部分人在网上购物,到目前的大部分人都在网上购物,只用了短短的几年时间。随着商品流通增加和电子商务的兴起,我国物流行业也得到了迅速的发展。在目前的物流行业中,存在几家较大的企业,如德邦、华宇、佳吉等企业。第三方物流行业的市场竞争越来越激烈。合理控制成本有利于第三方物流企业加强企业的竞争力,在竞争激烈的市场中占有一席之地。本文首先介绍了物流成本控制的定义,系统的分析了物流成本控制的目标。随后阐述了佳吉快运在成本控制中所存在的问题,成本控制在成本核算,仓储,采购和运输等环节存在许多问题.例如物流总成本居高不下,成本核算制度不科学,仓储成本和运输成本过高,而且呈逐年上升的趋势,采购方面也存在许多不合理因素。然后根据这些问题找出相对应的原因,并且提出相对应的建议。 关键字:电子商务,商品流通,德邦,佳吉快运,物流成本 Abstract: As Chinas economic and social development, peoples living habits are also changing the flow of goods in the society is more and more frequent. Especially in recent years, the rapid development of e-commerce, completely changed the habits of the people, from the very beginning a small number of people shopping online, online shopping to most, only a few short years time. With the increase in the circulation of commodities and the rise of e-commerce, Chinas logistics industry has been rapid development. In the logistics industry, there are a few large enterprises, such as Nadu, Arima, Jia Ji and other enterprises. Third-party logistics industry increasingly fierce market competition. Reasonable cost control is conducive to the third-party logistics enterprises to strengthen the competitiveness of enterprises in the competitive market place. This paper first introduces the definition of logistics cost control, systematic analysis of the logistics cost control objectives. Subsequently elaborated Jiaji Express the problems in cost control, cost control, cost accounting, warehousing, procurement and transportation links exist many problems such as the high total cost of logistics, cost accounting system is unscientific, warehousing and transportation costs too high, and showed an increasing trend, procurement there are many irrational factors. To identify the corresponding reason and then based on these problems, and made corresponding recommendations. Key words: e-commerce, commodity circulation, debang,


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