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人们提出了一种方法来干燥由疏水的细颗粒组成的含水的糊状物或淤泥状物。这种方法是指将这些糊状物与第二种液体混合,所选的液体与水完全不能混溶,而且它与固体之间的胶粘亲和力大于水;然后通过置换水的方法把固体从水里分离出来;再通过蒸发作用除去第二种液体,直至糊状物干燥。合适的置换液体如甲苯或其它苯的同系物,以及各种氯代烃。当含水糊状物的流动性通过进一步加入水的方法可能得到改进后,大部分粘附的水可以从中除去。这些水被第二种液体取代后无需通过加热,可用如过滤的方法分离出去。少量残留的仍然粘附在疏水固体上的水可以通过与第二种液体共沸蒸馏一起除去。这种方法的目的是通过利用第二种液体具有比水更强的润湿能力,来干燥其他方式难以干燥的、由疏水的细颗粒组成的含水糊状物,同时该方法从热能消耗角度来说是比较经济的。 In contradistinction thereto, the present method relates to dehydration, that is to say to the removal of water of crystallisation from barium hydroxide hydrates, which is bound by covalent bonds and in practice produces compounds of distinctive properties. thereto 一般指上文或此外; hereto 于此,关于这个 与上述方法不同的是,本方法和脱水有关,也就是从氢氧化钡水合物除去结晶水,脱水行为受共价键所限制,并且在实践中可以制备具有不同性质的化合物。 Dehydration is performed whilst heating the dry hydrated initial substance, either by azeotropic distillation of the water of crystallisation with a solvent known to be suitable for such a purpose, or by digestion at a given temperature in an anhydrous organic solvent which is miscible with water in any proportions, and then filtering. The object as well as the manner of performing the two methods are therefore different. 脱水与加热干燥的水合起始物质同时进行,并通过两种方式实现:即通过结晶水与一种满足此目的的溶剂共沸蒸馏的方法;或者通过在一定温度下用一种与水以任意比例互溶的无水有机溶剂浸提,然后过滤的方法。 因此,这两种方法的实施对象和操作方式是不同的。 In contradistinction thereto, the present method relates to dehydration, that is to say to the removal of water of crystallisation from barium hydroxide hydrates, which is bound by covalent bonds and in practice produces compounds of distinctive properties. Dehydration is performed whilst heating the dry hydrated initial substance, either by azeotropic distillation of water of crystallisation with a solvent known to be suitable for such a purpose, or by digestion at a given temperature in an anhydrous organic solvent which is miscible with water in any proportions, and then filtering. The object as well as the manner of performing the two methods are therefore different. 与上述方法不同的是,本方法和脱水有关,也就是从氢氧化钡水合物除去结晶水,脱水行为受共价键所限制,并且在实践


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