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设计总说明 屠宰废水是我国最大的有机污染源之一。随着人民生活水平的不断提高,肉类产品 年消耗量逐年增加,屠宰废水的污染不断加剧。屠宰废水属于易于生物降解的高悬浮物 有机废水,废水水质、水量变化范围比较大。国内外都采用生化法或以生化法为主的物 3 化生化组合工艺来处理屠宰废水。本设计屠宰废水污水处理量为 400m /d ,其中 CODCr 达 900mg/L,BOD5 达 600mg/L,SS 达 800mg/L;处理后水质要求达到广东省地方标准 水污染物排放限值中的第二类污染物最高允许排放浓度(第一时段),CODCr100mg/L , BOD520mg/L ,SS70mg/L,处理后的废水将可以直接排放到自然水体或者回用。针对 屠宰废水的这些特点,本设计用水解酸化-SBR 法处理屠宰废水。该方法具有工艺简单, 投资省,能耗低,处理效果好,构造简单,便于操作和管理维护,剩余污泥量少和不产 生污泥膨胀等优点,同时对废水水质、水量变化具有较强的抗冲击性能,是屠宰废水处 理的理想工艺。 关键词:屠宰废水,水解酸化,SBR 工艺 the General Information of Design Slaughterhouse wastewater is the countrys largest sources of organic one. With the peoples living standards continued to improve, the consumption of meat products has increased, slaughtering wastewater pollution getting worse. Slaughterhouse wastewater is readily biodegradable high suspended solids organic wastewater, wastewater quality and quantity variation is relatively large. Home and abroad are using biological or biochemical mainly to the physical and chemical composition and biochemical technology to handle slaughterhouse wastewater. The design of slaughterhouse wastewater treatment capacity 400 3 m /d, the chemical oxygen demand amount to 900 mg/L, the biological oxygen demand amount to 600 mg/L, the SS for 800 mg/L; After the treatment, the quality requirements meet the Guangdong Province local water pollutant emission standards limit for the second category of maximum allowable pollutant emission concentration (the first time), the chemical oxygen demand is not more than 100 mg/L, the biological oxygen demand is not more than 20 mg/L, the SS is not more than 70 mg/L,


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