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A Brief History of Communism in Russia 包岗葬撇常念某作虐题仰测歇悬掐过临裙黍忠湛蜜旱仇怨碘丧猾匝想迂扫A_brief_history_of_communism_in_Russia2A_brief_history_of_communism_in_Russia2 Terms Capitalist System free enterprise; if you work hard you can get ahead; you can start your own business and become a millionaire, or lose every penny Socialist a person who wants to change society 嫌厉擎坚繁窝廊临包步以侥枷江潮闪巳唁邪喊账奶昏讼膊霄趴阜罚签啦龋A_brief_history_of_communism_in_Russia2A_brief_history_of_communism_in_Russia2 Terms Communist System everyone works to his or her ability and receives according to his or her need; totally economic equality; no one gets ahead, but no one starves either. Czarist Government a government ruled by a Czar, who had absolute powers similar to a king 徘玄清橡条厩斌持酗掺挎忻坟烹前舞盐阵这岳励奋猪妇眨恢翠呻撬玄庚徽A_brief_history_of_communism_in_Russia2A_brief_history_of_communism_in_Russia2 Terms 5. Deported sent away from a country into exile Idealistic overly optimistic thinking Totalitarianism a one-party-rules-everything type of government 地圃执色藻锰疟磕康以也森噎晃喻瞪受媚恨炬勘善拱谷踩叁村塌秩隧援浮A_brief_history_of_communism_in_Russia2A_brief_history_of_communism_in_Russia2 A Brief History In the mid 1800’s , the capitalist system was going strong in Europe and America. But, the profits of businesses came at the expense of workers who labored 14 to 18 hours a day under unsafe conditions. There were no child labor laws, and wages were barely livable for the common worker. 铅婿刷村椰碘鸥遭玉撂籍槛沼溜衷懈州斜嚼亭惑怠渠棱宁驭嚏耸熙之羌尉A_brief_history_of_communism_in_Russia2A_brief_history_of_communism_in_Russia2 This diagram from 1867 perfectly illustrates the inherent genius within the capitalist system and how it is indestructible: it has a strong base built on inequality. Like the ancient pyramids of Egypt, the capitalist system is based upon the pyramid shape which yields great unknown powers and like those great historic monuments, was built from the sweat and blood of slaves. If we stay strong the capitalism will stay with us for thousands of years to com


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