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以下所有文件的翻译件要求全部是法语的,除非当地公证处没有法语公证,次选英语的。 Educational background 教育背景 For IIM-Cnam as for each French university you are applying to, you must submit 你要申请IIM-Cnam,像其它法国学校一样,必须提交: the completed application form and 完整的申请表格和 all other relevant documents as outlined in the tables below. 如下面表格中所列的相关文件 All documents must be in English and some of them must be in French. 所有的文件必须是用英文写的,其中一些必须是法语的。 请大家根据下面表格中所列的内容准备相关的材料,仔细阅读表格里的内容,并按照自己的学历准备相应的材料。 特别注意: 1、一定要保证有最高学历的原件,不要按这个学历准备后,又出现找不到学历原件的情况,到时再向学校提出改学历是很难。 2、一定要保证学历的真实性,学校对这一关的审查比较严 The following application materials are required: 下面的申请材料是必须的: 下面是一些具体的信息介绍,及相关要求。 I. Documents required from students who have already passed Bachelor or Master or MBAs degree 已经取得学士、硕士或MBA学位的学员资料要求(既本科及本科以上学历) Required by Department of Education in order to deliver National degrees, all records, original Chinese and certified copies, French or English translations, must be official (having an original red seal of the issuing university). 据教育部规定,为了给予国家学位,所有的履历,中文原件和被鉴定的复印件,法语或英文的翻译,必须是官方的(有大学的原始红色公章) official copy of most important degree certificate awarded by a recognized university that represents at least 4 years of study. 最重要的学历(既最高学历)的正式复印件,由被公认的大学颁发,至少有四年学习经历。 certified translation of degree 被鉴定的学历翻译 official transcripts in both French or English and Chinese 正式的复印件中文和法语或英语 official copies of degree, certificates and diplomas 正式的学历,证书,学位复印件 IIM-Cnam APPLICATION FORM completed by the applicant 申请者完整填写的IIM-Cnam申请表 6. 5 photos and CV 5张照片和简历 An official transcript confirming degree completion 一个正式的抄本,证明已完成学业。 II. Documents required from students who have not yet passed Bachelor or Master or MBAs degree. 还没有通过学士,硕士或MBA学历的学员资料要求 For students who havent yet pass Bachelors degree, IIM-Cnam must organize a jury. This IIM Jury is to consider for admission students whose previous school performance and/or work record suggest a strong possibility of academic success. 对于还没有通过学士学位的学生,IIM-Cnam需要建立一个评审委员会。这个评审组要考虑学员所提供的原始学校的成绩或工作经历可


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