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lord [n]上帝,主,贵族 as drunk as a lord 酩酊大醉 Lord !天啊! landlord [n]店主 landlady [n]女店主 pub 小酒店 inn 客栈,小旅馆 leave leave –left –left ①离开 leave Bejing for Shanghai . ②把人或者物留下,丢下 May I leave my shoes here ? ③听任,使处于..状态 leave sth +adj leave the door open Better leave it unsaid . ④on leave 休假 Beside 在…旁边 come and sit beside me . Besides 除了..之外还有 Besides this photos,I have a number of others . be beside oneself 得意忘形 beside the point 离题,跑题 Do you know the meaning of except ? as 的用法 ①随着 As she grew older ,she beame more outgoing . ②多用于引导在某行为的发展过程中间发生某事,所以多与过去进行时连用。 As I was walking down the street ,an Amercian asked me the way to the bank . While的用法 ①While 一般指一边 ……一边 while he was taking bath ,he sang songs . ②while 所引导的从句与主句的主语若是相同,而且从句为进行时的时候,从句的主语有的时候被省略。 He took a bath while I was watching TV. He watched TV while he was eating . He watched TV while eating . 现在完成时 ①现在完成时 表示过去某时发生的某一动作对现在造 成影响或者是结果 I have finished reading the book .我已经读完这本书了。 I have had supper . Have you had supper ? ② 表示动作从过去已经开始持续到现在,并且还有可能继续持续下去。 I have lived here for two years .我已经住在这里2年了。 过去完成时态 ①过去完成时态表示在过去某一时刻或者动作以前已经完成。即过去的过去。 我昨天已经完成我的作业了。 I had finished my homework yesterday . ②表示由过去的某一时刻开始,一直延续到过去另一时刻的动作或者状态。 After he came back ,I had lived in Xiamen for 2 years . 你能找出课文中的过去完成时态吗? have 的其他用法 He has a lot of money . =he possess a lot of money . Has he a lot of money ? He hasn’t a lot of money . Does he possess a lot of money ? He has a new house =He owns a new house Homework 背单词 和课文 掌握所有讲过的知识点。 * bill ①账单、纸币 pay the bill =settle the bill 付账 It’s wrong to leave a hotel without paying your bills. Bill please !买单 ②[n]招贴,广告牌 a movie bill 电影海报 NO bills !禁止张贴 Fill/fit the bill .符合要求,出类拔萃 He is a good person to do the job ,he will fit the bill . Come in =enter How about ‘ enter for’ ? look for 寻找 find 找到 find out 查明,一般指通过努力得到 You should find out the answer by yourself . give it back =return I will give the book back to you tomorrow. give away I want giv


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